nginx 1.1.1Edit

From the official release announcement:

Changes with nginx 1.1.1                                         22 Aug 2011

   *) Change: now cache loader processes either as many files as specified
      by "loader_files" parameter or works no more than time specified by
      "loader_threshold" parameter during each iteration.

   *) Change: now SIGWINCH signal works only in deamon mode.

   *) Feature: now shared zones and caches use POSIX semaphores on
      Thanks to Den Ivanov.

   *) Feature: accept filters are now supported on NetBSD.

   *) Bugfix: nginx could not be build on Linux 3.0.

   *) Bugfix: nginx did not use gzipping in some cases; the bug had
      appeared in 1.1.0.

   *) Bugfix: request body might be incorrectly processed if client used

   *) Bugfix: in the "request_body_in_single_buf" directive.

   *) Bugfix: in "proxy_set_body" and "proxy_pass_request_body" directives
      if SSL connection to backend was used.

   *) Bugfix: nginx hogged CPU if all servers in an upstream were marked
      as "down".

   *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur during reconfiguration if
      ssl_session_cache was defined but not used in a previous

   *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if many
      backup servers were used in an upstream.

   *) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might occur in a worker process if
      "fastcgi/scgi/uwsgi_param" directives were used with values starting
      with "HTTP_"; the bug had appeared in 0.8.40.