Why Objective-C is more compact than CEdit

Often in C code your code will follow a pattern like this (or similar):

result1 = function1(arguments1);
if (!result1) goto Cleanup;
result2 = function2(arguments2);
if (!result2) goto Cleanup;
result3 = function3(arguments3);
if (!result3) goto Cleanup;

In the case of Objective-C you can often chain such sequences together into a single line like the following:

result = [[[object message1] message2] message3];
if (!result) goto Cleanup;

Basically you’re taking advantage of the fact that many Objective-C methods (but not all, check the documentation) return nil to indicate failure, and sending a message to nil also returns nil (for methods with id return types). This is a general pattern in Cocoa but it is not always true; in the cases where it does apply however code tends to be shorter and much more readable.

I routinely find that I can write things in Cocoa in a fraction of the lines that it would take using Carbon, or CoreFoundation, or the POSIX layer. In fact, sometimes I kick myself because I’ll write 20 lines of code to do something via POSIX (fork/execv/wait, for example) because I’m writing a command line tool and am in a "POSIX mindset", and then realize I could have written the same thing with a one-line NSTask invocation.