Making Colemak the default layout at the OS X login promptEdit

Via Ask Different:

$ cp /Library/Preferences/ /tmp/
$ plutil -convert xml1 /tmp/
$ plutil -convert xml1 ~/Library/Preferences/
$ vim /tmp/
$ plutil -lint !$ # sanity check
$ sudo cp !$ /Library/Preferences/

After editing AppleCurrentKeyboardLayoutInputSourceID, KeyboardLayout ID and KeyboardLayout Name (which you can get from the ~/Library/Preferences/ file which we coverted above), the result looks something like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
		<string>Keyboard Layout</string>
		<key>KeyboardLayout ID</key>
		<key>KeyboardLayout Name</key>
			<string>Keyboard Layout</string>
			<key>KeyboardLayout ID</key>
			<key>KeyboardLayout Name</key>
			<string>Keyboard Layout</string>
			<key>KeyboardLayout ID</key>
			<key>KeyboardLayout Name</key>