Installing Selenium 1.1.14 on Mac OS X 10.5.6 LeopardEdit

Basic installation

$ sudo gem install Selenium
Successfully installed Selenium-1.1.14
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for Selenium-1.1.14...
Updating ri class cache with 4895 classes...
Installing RDoc documentation for Selenium-1.1.14...

It’s also necessary to install the selenium-client gem:

$ sudo gem install selenium-client
Successfully installed selenium-client-1.2.14
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for selenium-client-1.2.14...
Updating ri class cache with 4915 classes...
Installing RDoc documentation for selenium-client-1.2.14...

Fixing Firefox breakage

As noted here, the currently shipping version of the Selenium gem doesn’t work with Firefox 3. As the Selenium website was down at the time of writing, I manually edited the "maximum version" limits of the jar file inside the gem:

mkdir /tmp/selenium
cd /tmp/selenium
jar xf /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/Selenium-1.1.14/lib/selenium/openqa/selenium-server.jar.txt

# could have used sed, but wanted to visually inspect the files:
find . -name '*.rdf' -exec vim {} \;

find . -name '*.rdf' -exec \
  sudo jar uf /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/Selenium-1.1.14/lib/selenium/openqa/selenium-server.jar.txt {} \;

See also

  • The reason why I’m installing this in the first place: ticket #1131