Detecting Mac line endingsEdit

I recently noticed that some of the files in a Git repository had Mac line endings instead of UNIX ones.

I used the following Bash script to quickly detect which files were problematic:

for FILE in $(find . -type f)
  TYPE=$(file -b "$FILE")
  TEXT=$(expr "$TYPE" : '.*text.*')
  if [ $TEXT -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "not a text file: $FILE"
    if ! perl -ne "exit 1 if m/\r/;" "$FILE"; then
      echo "CR detected in : $FILE"
      echo "ok             : $FILE"

If you have Bash version 3 or later you can use its built-in regular expression support for a slightly cleaner design:

for FILE in $(find . -type f)
  TYPE=$(file -b "$FILE")
  if [[ "$TYPE" =~ 'text' ]]; then
    if ! perl -ne "exit 1 if m/\r/;" "$FILE"; then
      echo "CR detected in : $FILE"
      echo "ok             : $FILE"
    echo "not a text file: $FILE"

This went through the current working directory printing the status of each file:

not a text file: ./.DS_Store
ok             : ./.git/config
ok             : ./.git/description
ok             : ./.git/HEAD
ok             : ./.git/hooks/applypatch-msg
ok             : ./.git/hooks/commit-msg
ok             : ./.git/hooks/post-commit
ok             : ./.git/hooks/post-receive
ok             : ./.git/hooks/post-update
ok             : ./.git/hooks/pre-applypatch
ok             : ./.git/hooks/pre-commit
ok             : ./.git/hooks/pre-rebase
ok             : ./.git/hooks/update
not a text file: ./.git/index
ok             : ./.git/info/exclude
ok             : ./.git/logs/HEAD
ok             : ./.git/logs/refs/heads/master
ok             : ./.git/logs/refs/remotes/origin/master
not a text file: ./.git/objects/pack/pack-abf85ed171a9902f0fce5e157707575f87de7340.idx
not a text file: ./.git/objects/pack/pack-abf85ed171a9902f0fce5e157707575f87de7340.pack
ok             : ./.git/refs/heads/master
ok             : ./.git/refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
ok             : ./.git/refs/remotes/origin/master
ok             : ./.git/refs/tags/r649
ok             : ./CIImage+WOConvenience.h
ok             : ./CIImage+WOConvenience.m
ok             : ./CIImage+WOTinting.h
ok             : ./CIImage+WOTinting.m
not a text file: ./DiskImageBackground_exported.png
not a text file: ./DiskImageBackground_source.png
ok             : ./Doxyfile

And so on, printing the following for files with Mac (or Windows) line endings:

CR detected in : ./WOBaseCore/backend/webapp/textfab/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/version.rb
CR detected in : ./WOBaseCore/backend/webapp/textfab/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails.rb

So it turned out that the files with the bad line endings were all vendor-supplied; rather than correct them (only to have to repeat for the next release) I decided to leave them as they were. But if I had decided to change them I could have used a Perl one-liner to fix the line endings (see "Search and replace in multiple files with a Perl one-liner"); something like this:

perl -i.bak -p -e 's/\r\n|\r/\n/' files*


# narrow down the range of targets
cd path_to_subdirectory_with_problem_files

# check which files will be affected
find . -name "*.rb"

# do it
find . -name "*.rb" | xargs perl -i.bak -p -e 's/\r\n|\r/\n/'

# visually inspect results
diff a b

# check which backup files are present
find . -name "*.bak"

# blow away backups
find . -name "*.bak" -delete

# make sure they're really gone
find . -name "*.bak"