Synergy 1.7 released

  1. Greg Hurrell

    Synergy 1.7 is out.

  2. George

    I've installed 1.7 (upgraded) on macOs 10.2.8 but I can't get it to start. I tell it to start in System preferences but no buttons appear in the menu bar. I don't use Growl, I had a legal copy of Synergy, I've reinstalled several times - what can be the problem? I've tried to go back to an older version, but everything I download from the web turns up as version 1.7

  3. Marten

    Is there any way of disabling the Growl integration? I like the Synergy floater better, bigger display of the album art.

    And more importantly, if you do "next track", then you'll get both the floater and the growl notification

  4. livings124

    Marten: Growl notifications can be turned off from the apps tab in the Growl preferences.

    Could you guys look into changing the Growl notification display a little. Right now it puts "Playing: Song Name (time)" all on the title line, which is a lot of info for a relatively small view. Maybe you can remove "playing" or put it on another line.

    Also, can you make the notification for stop and paused different growl notifications. That way I can turn off notifications for pause in the preferences without turning off notifications for play.

  5. zerock

    there are some other apps which if they detect growl isnt in the system, they proceed with an alternate plan (like the default notifications etc.), could that happens with synergy perhaps?

  6. Greg Hurrell

    Synergy 1.7.1 is now out, which fixes the crashes caused by Growl when running on Mac OS X 10.2. Sorry about the inconvenience.

    Thanks for the suggestions, people. The Growl support you now see is just a first step. As livings124 pointed out, it doesn't make sense to have both the Synergy floater and Growl notifications turned on at the same time; so you either turn Synergy's floater off or tell Growl to not display notifications from Synergy.

    When Growl hits 1.0 and the API freezes I'll look at adding more options and controls of how, when, and if it gets notified. Until then I want to keep the support pretty basic. But keep the suggestions coming!

  7. Greg Hurrell

    Quote: there are some other apps which if they detect growl isnt in the system, they proceed with an alternate plan (like the default notifications etc.), could that happens with synergy perhaps?

    I can't really make this automatic right now because although I can detect if Growl is installed or not, I can't detect what the user's preferences are (for example, it might be installed but they have Synergy notifications ignored in the Growl preferences). I made some comments related to this in this feature request:


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