Auto-update mechanism, or notifier, for new versions of Synergy?

  1. pbryanw

    Now that Synergy Preferences is an app, I wonder if there could be some kind of auto-update mechanism for it, as there is with other Mac apps? Failing that, maybe just a notifier to tell you when an update is available?

    As it is now I have to check the Blog page for when new versions are released.

    Just wondering if this could be a feature request for a future version, if it hasn't already been noted before.

    Thanks, Paul

  2. Greg Hurrell

    There actually is a built-in version check, although it is not yet a full self-update mechanism (ie. it it just a dialog saying a new version is available and you can click the button to be taken to the website).

    However, I haven't been sending out notifications since version 4 came out because, being an optional-but-paid upgrade, I didn't want users to feel that I was somehow trying to force them into an upgrade that they didn't ask for. This, and also because I am working on changes to the site to enable full self-update capabilities. My basic idea then, was to hold off on the notifications until the full self-update thing is in place. Your post is a reminder that I need to get that finalized in the near future.

  3. Greg Hurrell

    Just for reference, ticket #1388 is the one where I'm tracking the self-update stuff.

  4. pbryanw

    Ok, many thanks for the replies and link to the ticket. Very much look forward to this feature surfacing in a future version of Synergy.

  5. anonymous

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