Display ONLY on Desktop?

  1. mindcrash

    I am wondering if it's possible to set Synergy to only display on my Desktop. That is, I don't want it to show in front of my active application.


  2. Greg Hurrell

    Yes, it is. See the release notes for version 1.3:


    [Feature] New "power user" feature (accessible from command-line), display floater on desktop. To activate, enter "defaults write org.wincent.Synergy desktopFloater -bool true" in the Terminal and restart Synergy. To deactivate, enter "defaults write org.wincent.Synergy desktopFloater -bool false".

  3. mindcrash

    Great, thanks for the tip.

    Awesome program by the way!

  4. mindcrash

    Ok, here's a related question, and I promise this is the last you'll hear from me.

    Now that the app is set using the command posted above, is it possible to adjust a setting so that if I click the floater it will come to the foreground, like a regular application?


  5. Greg Hurrell

    Not at the moment.

    The Floater has always been "transparent" to mouse clicks, as it's intended for temporary display only (fade in, fade out) and isn't meant to get in the way.

    That was the original rationale. Having said that, there is a feature request in the database to make it clickable, and I have various ideas for things that can be added once that's implemented.

    Relevant links:

    "Click to dismiss Floater": https://wincent.dev/a/support/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=274

    "Draggable Floater": https://wincent.dev/a/support/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=282

    Another thing worth mentioning here is that if you have Growl installed you can configure it to display notifications from Synergy, and that will offer you some customization options as well. Note that normally you'd choose either the Synergy Floater or the Growl notifications, not both.


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