Command-T Ignoring certain directory

  1. anonymous

    Command-T is ignoring a certain directory.I removed and reinstalled Command-T but it still keeps ignoring my 'apps' directory.

    Anybody know what might be causing it?

  2. anonymous

    I have the same error. Commant-T ignores directory named "apps".

  3. Greg Hurrell

    Could be you have more files in your hierarchy than allowed by the g:CommandTMaxFiles setting (which defaults to 10,000).

    Note that if you have something like a circular reference (via a symlink) in your hierarchy, you could easily shoot past any such limit, even if the number of actual files in the hierarchy is less than 10,000. It's the filesystem equivalent of an infinite loop and should probably be fixed.

    The other possibility is that your 'wildignore' settings might be excluding the apps/ directory, although that does seem an old thing to have in 'wildignore'.

    See the docs for some more info on both of those settings.


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