Wopen3 0.3 released

I’m belatedly announcing the release of version 0.3 of the Wopen3 gem. It was actually released a couple of weeks ago but I somehow overlooked posting an official announcement here.

Wopen3 is a replacement for Open3 in the Ruby standard library. Unlike Open3, Wopen3 does not throw away the exit status of the executed (grandchild) process. Only a child process it spawned and the exit status is returned in $? as normal.

This is a minor feature release which adds a new success? method to the Wopen3::Result instance that is returned by the system method. It’s used as shown here:

result = Wopen3.system('git', 'log')
result.status   # => 0
result.success? # => true
result.stderr   # => ''
result.stdout   # => 'commit 491411b3...'

The new version can be installed via sudo gem install wopen3. If you find the Gem useful, please consider making a donation via PayPal.