Software release announcements moving to Twitter

I’m kind of sad that my blog is mostly just brief announcements of new versions of software projects that I maintain and very little blog-like content, so from here on I think I’m going to hold off posting such announcements here and just tweet instead. I might even find some time to write some real blog-like content again.

Announcements from today: Ferret 0.3 and Terminus 0.2 (and due to the joys of Twitter, I can’t edit the typo in the latter; I’d have to delete and re-tweet the sucker and I just can’t be bothered doing that).

For a long while I was reluctant to let too much of my content live on potentially unreliable, ephemeral third-party platforms — I’ve seen too many of them come and go — so I tried to centralize as much activity as I could on my own site. But the truth is, you have to go where the people are, and that means engaging with Twitter (for disseminating information) and GitHub (for hosting projects). I’ll continue to maintain a presence here, of course, but I think both Twitter and GitHub have been around long enough that I’m not so worried as I used to be about them disappearing overnight. And in terms of historical value of the content, there isn’t enough value in tweets that I worry about losing them, and most of the value in my software projects is going to be tied up in the code itself (safely distributed via Git) and not the metadata (issues etc), so GitHub is safe enough too.