Minor site updates

Just deployed a new version of the site, mostly consisting of changes to the supporting infrastructure (testing frameworks and the like). About the only user visible change should be that JavaScript is now minimized a little more efficiently using the Google Closure compiler, so page loads should be about 1% faster.

Other than that it should be business as usual, but if you do spot any problems please let me know via email (to example@example.com) or via a ticket in the issue tracker.

The full list of code-level changes appears below:

a84f3c9 Use Google Closure compiler for JavaScript minimization
adc82b9 script/deploy: switch to Google Closure compiler
85b5eb9 Remove references to YUI Compressor
6f7d7d4 irbrc: use Hirb in script/console if available
13fbbe4 Cucumber: use more consistent naming for "see" steps
69a7c55 Update to FixtureReplacement 3.0
e66081d Add link to GitHub ticket for FixtureReplacement issue
f0bfbd2 Capistrano: remove stray files
4ee93cc Update to FixtureReplacement 3.0.1
17c3499 Switch to Capybara + Culerity in favour of Webrat
6a1deb1 Use Capyraba default for "@javascript" tests
07d6354 Vendor all gems required by "cucumber" environment
c5899c1 Capybara: use "have_content" for text matching
4e82b16 Update to Culerity 0.2.4
d997d50 script/status: eliminate false positives for "running"
76761fe script/mysqld: silence warnings about directory permissions
bdad662 script/mysqld: make normal startups less chatty
4091f2b Tighten gem version requirements in "cucumber" environment
a0870ec Update to Haml/Sass 2.2.14
4e213f9 Update to Cucumber 0.4.4
6eaf418 Add exception mailer for internal server errors
8c0285f Make exception reports more readable by substituting "RAILS_ROOT"
6f354a2 Don't create "Rails root" regexp for every stack frame
e56935e script/deploy: REVISION file should contain SHA1 of commit
b5728d6 script/deploy: offer to tag deployed versions if not already tagged
38e90cd script/deploy: make "current" point to real dir, not "latest" symlink
bbf7150 Fix bug in FFI 0.5.3 Gem extension extconf.rb