Upgrading to Bugzilla 3.0.2Edit

These notes were made while performing the upgrade from Bugzilla 3.0.1 to Bugzilla 3.0.2.

Upgrade procedure

  • Run sanitycheck.cgi from within the browser.
  • In the "Parameters" section set shutdownhtml to a useful value:
Currently closed for maintenance, please check back again soon.
  • Start a screen session in case we lose our connection:
  • Back up the database:
mysqldump -u database_user -p database_name | bzip2 -c > bugzilla-3.0.1.sql.bz2
  • Back up the installed files:
cd path_to_bugzilla_installation
sudo tar -c -v . > ~/bugzilla-3.0.1.tar
gzip --verbose -9 ~/bugzilla-3.0.1.tar
  • (Optional): Upgrade installed CPAN modules for which newer versions are available. As I wanted this to be a conservative, minimally disruptive upgrade I skipped this step. For examples of what to do see "Bugzilla 2.22.2 to 3.0 upgrade notes".
  • Perform the actual update using CVS (CVS password is "anonymous"):
sudo -s
cvs login
cvs update -rBugzilla_Stable -dP


? padlock.png
? secpatch
? service
? docs/html
? skins/contrib
cvs update: Updating .
P buglist.cgi
P email_in.pl
cvs update: warning: globals.pl is not (any longer) pertinent
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla
P Bugzilla/Constants.pm
P Bugzilla/Template.pm
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Attachment
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Login
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Login/CGI
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Login/WWW
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Login/WWW/CGI
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Persist
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Auth/Verify
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Config
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/DB
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/DB/Schema
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Install
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Search
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Template
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/Template/Plugin
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/User
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/User/Setting
cvs update: Updating Bugzilla/WebService
P Bugzilla/WebService/Constants.pm
P Bugzilla/WebService/User.pm
cvs update: Updating Conf
cvs update: Updating Conf/Supplies
cvs update: Updating contrib
P contrib/README
P contrib/bzdbcopy.pl
cvs update: Updating contrib/bug-bugzilla
cvs update: Updating contrib/bugzilla-submit
cvs update: Updating contrib/cmdline
cvs update: Updating contrib/gnatsparse
cvs update: Updating css
cvs update: Updating docs
P docs/rel_notes.txt
cvs update: Updating docs/html
cvs update: move away docs/html/.cvsignore; it is in the way
C docs/html/.cvsignore
cvs update: Updating docs/html/api
cvs update: move away docs/html/api/.cvsignore; it is in the way
C docs/html/api/.cvsignore
cvs update: move away docs/html/api/style.css; it is in the way
C docs/html/api/style.css
cvs update: Updating docs/images
cvs update: Updating docs/images/callouts
cvs update: Updating docs/lib
cvs update: Updating docs/lib/Pod
cvs update: Updating docs/lib/Pod/Simple
cvs update: Updating docs/lib/Pod/Simple/HTML
cvs update: Updating docs/lib/Pod/Simple/HTMLBatch
cvs update: Updating docs/pdf
cvs update: Updating docs/sgml
cvs update: Updating docs/txt
cvs update: Updating docs/xml
P docs/xml/Bugzilla-Guide.xml
P docs/xml/faq.xml
P docs/xml/glossary.xml
P docs/xml/security.xml
cvs update: Updating images
cvs update: Updating js
cvs update: Updating oracle
cvs update: Updating skins
cvs update: move away skins/.cvsignore; it is in the way
C skins/.cvsignore
cvs update: Updating skins/contrib
cvs update: Updating skins/contrib/Dusk
cvs update: Updating skins/standard
cvs update: Updating skins/standard/dependency-tree
cvs update: Updating skins/standard/global
cvs update: Updating skins/standard/index
cvs update: Updating t
cvs update: Updating t/Support
cvs update: Updating template
cvs update: Updating template/default
cvs update: Updating template/default/account
cvs update: Updating template/default/admin
cvs update: Updating template/default/admin/common
cvs update: Updating template/default/admin/resolutions
cvs update: Updating template/default/attachment
cvs update: Updating template/default/attachstatus
cvs update: Updating template/default/bug
cvs update: Updating template/default/buglist
cvs update: Updating template/default/config
cvs update: Updating template/default/entry
cvs update: Updating template/default/global
cvs update: Updating template/default/info
cvs update: Updating template/default/prefs
cvs update: Updating template/default/process
cvs update: Updating template/default/query
cvs update: Updating template/default/report
cvs update: Updating template/default/request
cvs update: Updating template/default/requestdef
cvs update: Updating template/default/requesttype
cvs update: Updating template/default/show
cvs update: Updating template/default/sidebar
cvs update: Updating template/default/token
cvs update: Updating template/default/voting
cvs update: Updating template/en
cvs update: Updating template/en/default
M template/en/default/index.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account/auth
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account/email
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account/password
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/account/prefs
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/attachstatus
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/classifications
P template/en/default/admin/classifications/edit.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/common
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/components
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/custom_fields
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/fieldvalues
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/flag-type
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/groups
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/keywords
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/milestones
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/params
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/products
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/products/groupcontrol
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/request-type
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/sanitycheck
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/settings
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/users
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/versions
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/admin/workflow
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/attachment
P template/en/default/attachment/edit.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug
P template/en/default/bug/summarize-time.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug/activity
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug/create
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug/process
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/bug/votes
P template/en/default/bug/votes/list-for-user.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/email
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/flag
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/global
M template/en/default/global/banner.html.tmpl
M template/en/default/global/header.html.tmpl
P template/en/default/global/user-error.html.tmpl
M template/en/default/global/variables.none.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/list
P template/en/default/list/table.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/pages
P template/en/default/pages/release-notes.html.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/reports
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/request
P template/en/default/request/email.txt.tmpl
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/search
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/setup
cvs update: Updating template/en/default/whine
cvs update: Updating template/en/extension
cvs update: Updating template/en/extension/hook
  • Watch for conflicts during update; fix as required.
  • Run checksetup.pl from the command line:
  • Use my custom repair-bugzilla.sh to repair the ownership and permissions on the installed files.
  • In the "Parameters" section empty the shutdownhtml field.
  • Run sanitycheck.cgi from within the browser.
  • Update parameters.
  • Test the installation.
  • End root/screen sessions:

Future improvements

More of this process could be largely automated via a shell script.