Upgrading from WordPress 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 using SubversionEdit

The are the upgrade notes for the WordPress 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 upgrade using Subversion (based on previous notes, "Upgrading from WordPress 2.0.4 to 2.0.5 using Subversion").


# backup the database
sudo -v
sudo mysqldump --opt -u "${DATABASE_USER}" -p -h localhost \
    "${DATABASE_NAME}" | bzip2 -c > ~/wp-${OLD_WP_VERSION}-db-backup.tar.bz2

# backup the installed files
sudo tar -c -v wp > ~/wp-${OLD_WP_VERSION}-files-backup.tar
gzip --verbose -9 ~/wp-${OLD_WP_VERSION}-files-backup.tar

# after disabling all plug-ins
cd wp
svn info
sudo -u "${APACHE_USER}" -H svn switch "http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress/tags/${NEW_WP_VERSION}"
sudo -u "${APACHE_USER}" -H svn up


U    wp-login.php
U    wp-includes/template-functions-general.php
U    wp-includes/template-functions-category.php
U    wp-includes/cache.php
U    wp-includes/template-functions-post.php
U    wp-includes/wp-db.php
U    wp-includes/links.php
U    wp-includes/functions-formatting.php
U    wp-includes/gettext.php
U    wp-includes/version.php
U    wp-includes/functions-post.php
U    wp-includes/classes.php
U    wp-includes/kses.php
U    wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php
U    wp-includes/comment-functions.php
U    wp-includes/functions.php
U    wp-includes/template-functions-author.php
U    wp-content/themes/classic/comments-popup.php
U    wp-content/themes/default/searchform.php
U    wp-content/themes/default/comments-popup.php
U    wp-register.php
U    wp-links-opml.php
U    wp-trackback.php
U    wp-settings.php
U    wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php
U    wp-admin/inline-uploading.php
U    wp-admin/users.php
U    wp-admin/edit-comments.php
U    wp-admin/wp-admin.css
U    wp-admin/link-categories.php
U    wp-admin/edit.php
U    wp-admin/post.php
U    wp-admin/theme-editor.php
U    wp-admin/upgrade.php
U    wp-admin/options.php
U    wp-admin/admin-functions.php
U    wp-admin/templates.php
U    wp-admin/edit-page-form.php
U    wp-admin/moderation.php
U    wp-admin/link-manager.php
U    wp-admin/bookmarklet.php
U    wp-admin/options-permalink.php
U    wp-admin/edit-link-form.php
U    wp-admin/edit-pages.php
U    wp-admin/import/blogger.php
U    wp-admin/options-misc.php
U    wp-admin/categories.php

Finally, try hitting the upgrade script (at wp-admin/upgrade.php) and re-enable all plug-ins one by one.

Plug-in upgrades

After upgrading to 2.0.6 I checked for new versions of my installed plug-ins and found that WP-Cache 2.0 had been bumped to version 2.0.21 (release announcement).

I decided to take the time to switch over to Subversion-based upgrades for that plug-in as well.

# after disabling the plug-in
cd wp-content/plug-ins
sudo rm -rf wp-cache

It was then time to edit the svn:externals definition:

sudo -u "${APACHE_USER}" -H svn propedit svn:externals .

Changing it from this:

akismet http://svn.wp-plugins.org/akismet/trunk/

To this:

akismet http://svn.wp-plugins.org/akismet/trunk/
wp-cache http://svn.wp-plugins.org/wp-cache/tags/release-2.0.21

And then updating:

sudo -u "${APACHE_USER}" -H svn up


Fetching external item into 'wp-cache'
A    wp-cache/wp-cache-config-sample.php
A    wp-cache/README.txt
A    wp-cache/wp-cache-phase1.php
A    wp-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php
A    wp-cache/wp-cache.php
Updated external to revision 7238.

Then re-enable the plug-in and everything seems to be working.

One curious thing I noted was that the Akismet plug-in does not get updated when running the normal svn switch upgrade process. I should do an svn up as well after each update. The output was:

Fetching external item into 'akismet'
A    akismet/akismet.gif
U    akismet/akismet.php
Updated external to revision 7238.