Updating to Git

Local update (Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard)

Notes made while updating from Git to Git from within a local clone of the official upstream Git repository on Mac OS X 10.6.4 Snow Leopard:

$ cd path/to/clone/of/git.git/repo
$ git fetch
$ git tag -v v1.7.2.3
$ git co v1.7.2.3                                                     # "co" is an alias for "checkout"
$ make clean
$ make prefix=/usr/local test
$ sudo make prefix=/usr/local install quick-install-man
$ diff -u ~/.git-completion.sh contrib/completion/git-completion.bash # any changes to Bash completion?
$ cp contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/.git-completion.sh      # nope, but this is how we would install it
$ git co master                                                       # don't hang around on detached HEAD

Remote update (Fedora Linux)

Notes made while updating from Git to Git on Fedora 8, again from within a local clone of the official upstream Git repository:

Updating Git itself

I perform this on the two Amazon EC2 instances that I use to host Git repos:

$ su unprivileged_build_user
$ cd path/to/clone/of/git.git/repo
$ git status                                                                                # make sure we're not about to clobber anything important
$ git fetch
$ git tag -v v1.7.2.3
$ git checkout v1.7.2.3
$ NO_CURL=1 NO_EXPAT=1 NO_SVN_TESTS=1 NO_TCLTK=1 make prefix=/usr test                      # as normal user
# exit                                                                                      # back to root
# NO_CURL=1 NO_EXPAT=1 NO_SVN_TESTS=1 NO_TCLTK=1 make prefix=/usr install quick-install-man # as root
$ su unprivileged_build_user                                                                # drop privs
$ git checkout master                                                                       # don't hang around on detached HEAD

See "Updating to Git 1.7.2" for the update notes made during the initial cloning, including retrieving the public key necessary for tag verification.

Updating GitWeb

Inspect changes to GitWeb:

$ git log -p v1.7.2.1..v1.7.2.3 -- gitweb

In this case there were no changes relevant to my installation, so there is nothing to install. See "Updating to Git 1.7.2" for an example of an update involving GitWeb.