Updating to Git 1.7.0Edit

Local update

Notes made while performing the update to Git 1.7.0 on my local Mac OS X 10.6.2 Snow Leopard install.

# start off in local clone of official upstream Git repo
git fetch

# verify the tag
git tag -v v1.7.0

# note that "co" is a shorthand alias I have configured for "checkout"
git co v1.7.0

# proceed with the build
make clean
make prefix=/usr/local test
sudo make prefix=/usr/local install quick-install-man

# check for changes in the Bash completion script and install it
diff -u ~/.git-completion.sh contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
cp contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/.git-completion.sh

# go back to master branch rather than hanging around on detached HEAD
git co master

Remote update

Notes made while updating on my remote Red Hat Enterprise Linux install.

# starting from a clone of the official upstream Git repo
git fetch
git tag -v v1.7.0
git co v1.7.0
make clean
NO_CURL=1 NO_EXPAT=1 NO_SVN_TESTS=1 NO_TCLTK=1 make prefix=/usr/local test
sudo -i
cd /path/to/clone/of/git.git
NO_CURL=1 NO_EXPAT=1 NO_SVN_TESTS=1 NO_TCLTK=1 make prefix=/usr/local install quick-install-man

# now for GitWeb
make clean
make GITWEB_PROJECTROOT=/pub/git/path/to/public/repos \
     GITWEB_LIST=/pub/git/conf/gitweb-projects \
     GITWEB_CSS="/gitweb.css" \
     GITWEB_LOGO="/git-logo.png" \
     GITWEB_FAVICON="/git-favicon.png" \
     GITWEB_CONFIG="/pub/git/conf/gitweb.conf" \
     bindir=/usr/local/bin \
sudo -u git cp gitweb/gitweb.{cgi,css} gitweb/git-*.png /pub/git/public_html/