Understanding Mercurial conflict markersEdit

When using the ui.merge = internal:merge3 configuration described here, your merge conflict during a rebase will look like this:

      'registers created dataIDs in the garbage collector if it has been ' +
      () => {
<<<<<<< dest:   e386ac907f43  - glh: Don't apply optimistic update as a side-...
        RelayGarbageCollector.prototype.register = jest.genMockFunction();
        const response = {node: {id: 0}};
||||||| base
        RelayGarbageCollector.prototype.register = jest.genMockFunction();
        const response = {node: {id: '123'}};
        RelayGarbageCollector.prototype.register = jest.fn();
        const response = {node: {id: '123'}};
>>>>>>> source: 3038a435f33a  fn - glh: Replace jest.genMockFunction and rela...
        const data = new RelayStoreData();
        const query = getNode(Relay.QL`query{node(id:"a") {id}}`);
        const garbageCollector = data.getGarbageCollector();

        data.handleQueryPayload(query, response);

In this case:

  1. The first section, between <<<<<<< dest and ||||||| base: Shows how the upstream looks now.
  2. The second section, between ||||||| base and =======: Shows how things used to look at the merge base.
  3. The third section, between ======= and >>>>>>> source: Shows your proposed change.

See also