Rails slugsEdit

Opinions on Rails URLs and slugs

"Transparent opaque changeable permanent URLs"

Aristotle Pagaltzis argues that:

  • URLs should never change, and so unique id numbers in URLs are good: slugs based on titles aren’t so good because the title can be edited, thus breaking the URL
  • URLs are valuable for search engine ranking, and so meaningful words in the slug are a good idea
  • These conflicting priorities can be reconciled by starting the slug with an opaque, constant component (the id) and appending a meaningiful, title-derived textual component, yielding URLs like:


  • The web application should ignore the textual component and use only the id in deciding what to render; for example, the following URL is equivalent:


  • These latter URLs should use a HTTP 301 status code (permanent redirect) to send the browser to the definitive, non-changing version of the URL

"How to get more literal URLs and still use IDs"

The official Rails weblog echoes this position in this article, where it is recommended that URLs like this one be used:


Commenters on that post add the following opinions:

  • That URLs beginning with strings like 123- are ugly and a URL like http://example.com/blue-elephants would be preferable
  • That a less ugly alternative is to use the id as a separate path component (as in http://example.com/123/blue-elephants); there is no problem with having two articles with the same title using this method, but searching only on the textual part of the permalink requires the textual part to be unique
  • Using the full-title to derive the slug can lead to titles that are too long
  • People are "too obsessed" with "pretty" URLs and "normal users" don’t pay attention
  • There are instances (wikis for example) where "hackable" URLs add value

"SEO Optimization of URLs in Rails with to_param"

Referenced by the above article is this post by Obie Fernandez which explains the technical details behind getting URL permalinks to work as previously advocated.

Points of interest:

  • Rails calls to_param when processing incoming parameters; in the case of ActiveRecord it returns the id as a string ("1", "2" etc, or nil if no id is set yet).
  • You can therefore override the to_param method in your models to return something else other than the plain id; for example: "#{id}-#{name.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/i, '-')}" (but note that that won’t catch accented characters).
  • If you use RESTful route helpers, then this override will be picked up automatically.
  • If you instead manually construct links using link_to then you must remember to pass the model object (@user, for example) instead of just the id (@user.id) otherwise your to_param override will have no effect.
  • Rails calls to_i when searching by id, so a find message like User.find('1-john') will actually use SQL like SELECT * FROM users WHERE (users.id = 1).

Commenters add:

"URLs on Rails"

This is an older article by Sebastian Delmont on the subject, linked to by Obie Fernandez.

Nothing new to see there, although the commenters do provide a couple of ways of handling accented characters in the textual portion of the slug:

"Search Engine Friendly URLs with Ruby on Rails"

A summary of approaches and plug-ins for implementing so-called "search engine friendly" URLs:

"Even better looking URLs with permalink_fu"

Source: http://www.seoonrails.com/even-better-looking-urls-with-permalink_fu

"SEO for Ruby on Rails"

Source: http://www.tonyspencer.com/2007/01/26/seo-for-ruby-on-rails/

"Blank Slate"

While not specifically related to Rails, John Gruber has this to say on slugs:

Yes, even URLs are designed. When I started DF in August 2002, nearly all Movable Type-powered weblogs used URLs such as: http://example.com/archives/003495.html, where the number is a unique sequential identifier for each entry generated by Movable Type. Almost nothing in such URLs is useful.

  • The word “archives” is superfluous.
  • The number is meaningful only to the software, not to the reader. Additionally, this structure makes it difficult to switch to different software while continuing to use the same URLs.
  • The .html extension is unsightly and needless.

DF’s article URLs look like this: /2007/03/blank_slate, following a very simple and self-evident pattern: /year/month/slug. I considered the perhaps more obvious /year/month/date/slug, but decided against it. Including the day of the month would add three extra characters to each URL, and add very little useful information – monthly granularity is good enough in the long run for a web site where I seldom publish more than one article on any given day (unless I wished to repeat the same slug line within the same month, which strikes me as counter to the purpose of including a slug within the URL). The year, month, and slug provide useful context – just by looking at the URL alone, you know when it was written and perhaps have a rough idea what it is about. I can usually look at one of DF’s URLs and remember which specific article it refers to.

My take

I personally don’t like URLs which jam together an opaque identifier and a human-readable slug. I think they’re ugly. When I first saw URLs of this type, I thought, "Who was this designed for? A computer or a human being?"; in trying to simultaneously please both target audiences these URLs only succeed in looking unclean.

I am also wary because implementing such URLs requires knowledge of an internal implementation detail in Rails; if Rails changes in the future you may need to jump through hoops to get your URLs working again.

This last reason alone is enough to stop me from implementing these "SEO-friendly" URLs, although admittedly the fact that 37signals uses them (example, http://www.37signals.com/svn/posts/247-calling-all-basecamp-customers-in-nyc-or-chicago) makes it unlikely that Rails will be introducing a breaking change in the future.

Above all, I have a lot of faith in Google’s ability to index the best content without needing keywords in the URL to locate it; there are plenty of other ways in which you can make your pages easy to index that don’t require you making uncomfortable compromises about your URL design.

So given a choice between numeric IDs and number-plus-text, I will opt for numeric IDs. Take this post for example, where the author sustains that this:


Is an improvement over this:


I personally think the latter is much, much better. Dynamic, user-provided content like forums really isn’t a field that I consider ripe for search engine optimization.

I also agree with John Gruber that every element of the site should be designed, and that includes the slugs. This especially applies to things like weblog posts; unlike forums, weblog posts should have some kind of permanence. I don’t think the slug should be automatically generated; I think the user should take some time thinking about what they want it to be (and so the threat of your URLs changing goes away).

So for me I think the optimal solution is:

  • Use numeric IDs in your URLs.
  • Allow the user to tailor a textual slug if he or she so desires; this should only be in appropriate sections of your site (weblog posts) and only when the user wants to take the time to do it.
  • Textual slugs should be optional.
  • Textual slugs should be unique.
  • Textual slugs should be permanent.

I also don’t care too much about SEO. I believe that if your content is good then you’ll get a high ranking. But I do think it is important to strive for human readable URLs on important articles (stuff that you expect to get linked to a lot) because many humans will mouse over a link and make a decision about whether to click on it based on what they see the destination URL is.

Implementation details

The solution I’m recommending here requires that models with slugs should have a slug column in the database. The slug should be guaranteed unique in that model. The model should have a to_param method that returns the slug if it is available, otherwise falls back to the id. The model should have a find_by_id_or_slug method (or similar) so that both numeric and slug-based URLs will automatically work. This could fairly easily be factored into a plug-in for use by multiple models. Ideally, because you want your slugs to be permanent, only the superuser should be allowed to change them once set. Similarly, it would be nice to have a mechanism to redirect from old slugs to new slugs in the event of a change (once again the uniqueness requirement would dictate that no old slug names collided with any current slug names).