Quickly setting up a machine for testing with a pre-release seedEdit


These notes were superseded by "Pre-release Leopard set-up notes".

For notes on setting up the final release, see "Leopard set-up notes".


When working on a pre-release seed I try not to customize the environment too much because I may have to uninstall and reinstall many times. But there are some changes that I find that I just can’t live without. Here is a quick list.

Assuming that the home directory of my production (non-pre-release) system is mounted at /Volumes/path_to_home_folder:

cp $RESOURCES/.bash_profile .
cp $RESOURCES/.inputrc .
cp $RESOURCES/.profile .
mkdir .ssh
cp $RESOURCES/.ssh/id_dsa .ssh
cp $RESOURCES/.ssh/id_dsa_subversion .ssh
cp $RESOURCES/.ssh/config .ssh
mkdir .subversion
cp $RESOURCES/.subversion/config .subversion
mkdir .MacOSX
defaults write ~/.MacOSX/environment SVN_SSH -string "/usr/bin/ssh -i /Users/wincent/.ssh/id_dsa_subversion"
mkdir bin

Copy my SSH management application into bin and double-click it while holding down the option key. In the preferences window, add the id_dsa and id_dsa_subversion identities and set the app to launch at login. Log out and log in again so that the environment variable settings can take effect.

I also find it pretty frusting to use the Terminal unless Option-Left and Option-Right are bound to \033b and \033f respectively; so pick up my settings like so:

cp $RESOURCES/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Terminal.plist Library/Preferences/