Finding out which CPAN modules are installedEdit

I recently wanted to get a list of all CPAN modules installed on my system. Of the many possibly ways of doing this that I discovered by Googling, this one seemed to be the best:


# found at:

use CPAN;
# list all modules on my disk and note the newer versions
for $mod (CPAN::Shell->expand("Module","/./")){
        next unless $mod->inst_file;
                # here only when installed
        if ($mod->inst_version eq "undef") {
                printf "%s :No VERSION\n", $mod->id;
        elsif ($mod->uptodate){
                printf "%s %s\n", $mod->id, $mod->inst_version
        else {
                # here when not up to date
        printf "%s %s, NEW VERSION=%s\n",
                $mod->id, $mod->inst_version, $mod->cpan_version;

This will produce an alphabetically-ordered listing of installed modules, with version information if available.

Partial example output

CGI 3.20, NEW VERSION=3.29
CGI::Carp 1.29
CGI::Cookie 1.27, NEW VERSION=1.28
CGI::Fast 1.07
CGI::Pretty 1.08
CGI::Push 1.04
CGI::Util 1.5
CPAN 1.87, NEW VERSION=1.9102
CPAN::Admin 5.400561, NEW VERSION=5.400844
CPAN::Debug 5.400561, NEW VERSION=5.400955
CPAN::FirstTime 5.400657, NEW VERSION=5.401669
CPAN::HandleConfig 5.400657, NEW VERSION=5.401744
CPAN::Nox 5.400561, NEW VERSION=5.400844
CPAN::Tarzip 5.400659, NEW VERSION=5.401717
CPAN::Version 5.400561, NEW VERSION=5.401387
Carp 1.01, NEW VERSION=1.04
Carp::Clan 5.3, NEW VERSION=5.9
Class::ErrorHandler 0.01
Class::ISA 0.32, NEW VERSION=0.33
Class::Singleton 1.03
Class::Struct 0.63
Compress::Zlib 1.41, NEW VERSION=2.004
Config :No VERSION
Convert::ASN1 0.19, NEW VERSION=0.21
Convert::ASN1::parser :No VERSION
Convert::PEM 0.07