Building Perl 5.8.8 on Mac OS X LeopardEdit

I decided to install Perl again in the hope of overcoming my problems trying to install SVK on Mac OS X Leopard.

tar xzvf perl-5.8.8.tar.gz
cd perl-5.8.8/
sh Configure -de
make test

There were 3 failed tests:

t/op/pwent................................FAILED at test 1


ext/Sys/Syslog/t/syslog...................#   Failed test 'syslog() should return true: '0''
#   in ../ext/Sys/Syslog/t/syslog.t at line 109.
FAILED at test 84


lib/locale................................FAILED at test 99

I the tried to get more information:

export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd`
cd t
./perl harness

This yielded:

op/pwent....................................FAILED test 1
	Failed 1/2 tests, 50.00% okay


../lib/locale...............................ok 100/117# The following locales
#	C C POSIX POSIX af_ZA af_ZA.ISO8859-1 af_ZA.ISO8859-15
#	af_ZA.UTF-8 am_ET am_ET.UTF-8 be_BY be_BY.CP1131 be_BY.CP1251
#	be_BY.ISO8859-5 be_BY.UTF-8 bg_BG bg_BG.CP1251 bg_BG.UTF-8
#	ca_ES ca_ES.ISO8859-1 ca_ES.ISO8859-15 ca_ES.UTF-8 cs_CZ
#	cs_CZ.ISO8859-2 cs_CZ.UTF-8 da_DK da_DK.ISO8859-1 da_DK.ISO8859-15
#	da_DK.UTF-8 de_AT de_AT.ISO8859-1 de_AT.ISO8859-15
#	de_AT.UTF-8 de_CH de_CH.ISO8859-1 de_CH.ISO8859-15
#	de_CH.UTF-8 de_DE de_DE.ISO8859-1 de_DE.ISO8859-15
#	de_DE.UTF-8 el_GR el_GR.ISO8859-7 el_GR.UTF-8 en_AU
#	en_AU.ISO8859-1 en_AU.ISO8859-15 en_AU.US-ASCII en_AU.UTF-8
#	en_CA en_CA.ISO8859-1 en_CA.ISO8859-15 en_CA.US-ASCII
#	en_CA.UTF-8 en_GB en_GB.ISO8859-1 en_GB.ISO8859-15
#	en_GB.US-ASCII en_GB.UTF-8 en_IE en_IE.UTF-8 en_NZ
#	en_NZ.ISO8859-1 en_NZ.ISO8859-15 en_NZ.US-ASCII en_NZ.UTF-8
#	en_US en_US.ISO8859-1 en_US.ISO8859-15 en_US.US-ASCII
#	en_US.UTF-8 es_ES es_ES.ISO8859-1 es_ES.ISO8859-15
#	es_ES.UTF-8 et_EE et_EE.ISO8859-15 et_EE.UTF-8 eu_ES
#	eu_ES.ISO8859-1 eu_ES.ISO8859-15 eu_ES.UTF-8 fi_FI
#	fi_FI.ISO8859-1 fi_FI.ISO8859-15 fi_FI.UTF-8 fr_BE
#	fr_BE.ISO8859-1 fr_BE.ISO8859-15 fr_BE.UTF-8 fr_CA
#	fr_CA.ISO8859-1 fr_CA.ISO8859-15 fr_CA.UTF-8 fr_CH
#	fr_CH.ISO8859-1 fr_CH.ISO8859-15 fr_CH.UTF-8 fr_FR
#	fr_FR.ISO8859-1 fr_FR.ISO8859-15 fr_FR.UTF-8 he_IL
#	he_IL.UTF-8 hi_IN.ISCII-DEV hr_HR hr_HR.ISO8859-2 hr_HR.UTF-8
#	hu_HU hu_HU.ISO8859-2 hu_HU.UTF-8 hy_AM hy_AM.ARMSCII-8
#	hy_AM.UTF-8 is_IS is_IS.ISO8859-1 is_IS.ISO8859-15
#	is_IS.UTF-8 it_CH it_CH.ISO8859-1 it_CH.ISO8859-15
#	it_CH.UTF-8 it_IT it_IT.ISO8859-1 it_IT.ISO8859-15
#	it_IT.UTF-8 ja_JP ja_JP.SJIS ja_JP.UTF-8 ja_JP.eucJP kk_KZ
#	kk_KZ.PT154 kk_KZ.UTF-8 ko_KR ko_KR.CP949 ko_KR.UTF-8
#	ko_KR.eucKR lt_LT lt_LT.ISO8859-13 lt_LT.ISO8859-4
#	lt_LT.UTF-8 nl_BE nl_BE.ISO8859-1 nl_BE.ISO8859-15
#	nl_BE.UTF-8 nl_NL nl_NL.ISO8859-1 nl_NL.ISO8859-15
#	nl_NL.UTF-8 no_NO no_NO.ISO8859-1 no_NO.ISO8859-15
#	no_NO.UTF-8 pl_PL pl_PL.ISO8859-2 pl_PL.UTF-8 pt_BR
#	pt_BR.ISO8859-1 pt_BR.UTF-8 pt_PT pt_PT.ISO8859-1 pt_PT.ISO8859-15
#	pt_PT.UTF-8 ro_RO ro_RO.ISO8859-2 ro_RO.UTF-8 ru_RU
#	ru_RU.CP1251 ru_RU.CP866 ru_RU.ISO8859-5 ru_RU.KOI8-R
#	ru_RU.UTF-8 sk_SK sk_SK.ISO8859-2 sk_SK.UTF-8 sl_SI
#	sl_SI.ISO8859-2 sl_SI.UTF-8 sr_YU sr_YU.ISO8859-2 sr_YU.ISO8859-5
#	sr_YU.UTF-8 sv_SE sv_SE.ISO8859-1 sv_SE.ISO8859-15
#	sv_SE.UTF-8 tr_TR tr_TR.ISO8859-9 tr_TR.UTF-8 uk_UA
#	uk_UA.ISO8859-5 uk_UA.KOI8-U uk_UA.UTF-8 zh_CN zh_CN.GB18030
#	zh_CN.GB2312 zh_CN.GBK zh_CN.UTF-8 zh_CN.eucCN zh_HK
#	zh_HK.Big5HKSCS zh_HK.UTF-8 zh_TW zh_TW.Big5 zh_TW.UTF-8
# tested okay.
# None of your locales were broken.
../lib/locale...............................FAILED test 99
	Failed 1/117 tests, 99.15% okay

Note that the summary now shows only two failed tests, not three:

Failed Test     Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
../lib/locale.t              117    1   0.85%  99
op/pwent.t                     2    1  50.00%  1
59 tests and 242 subtests skipped.
Failed 2/996 test scripts, 99.80% okay. 2/117338 subtests failed, 100.00% okay.

So I tried running those tests individually:

perl op/pwent.t


# where /etc/passwd
# max = 25, n = 15, perfect = 0
# The failure of op/pwent test is not necessarily serious.
# It may fail due to local password administration conventions.
# If you are for example using both NIS and local passwords,
# test failure is possible.  Any distributed password scheme
# can cause such failures.
# What the pwent test is doing is that it compares the 26 first
# entries of /etc/passwd
# with the results of getpwuid() and getpwnam() call.  If it finds no
# matches at all, it suspects something is wrong.
not ok 1	# (not necessarily serious: run t/op/pwent.t by itself)
ok 2

So that is probably harmless enough. The other test:

cd ..
perl -T lib/locale.t


ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7
ok 8
ok 9
ok 10
ok 11
ok 12
ok 13
ok 14
ok 15
ok 16
ok 17
ok 18
ok 19
ok 20
ok 21
ok 22
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ok 25
ok 26
ok 27
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ok 29
ok 30
ok 31
ok 32
ok 33
ok 34
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ok 38
ok 39
ok 40
ok 41
ok 42
ok 43
ok 44
ok 45
ok 46
ok 47
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ok 49
ok 50
ok 51
ok 52
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ok 55
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ok 59
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ok 61
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ok 79
ok 80
ok 81
ok 82
ok 83
ok 84
ok 85
ok 86
ok 87
ok 88
ok 89
ok 90
ok 91
ok 92
ok 93
ok 94
ok 95
ok 96
ok 97
ok 98

Note there were no failures this time.

I definitely prefer to have error-free tests before installing but in this case seeing as the warnings seem harmless enough and this is just a temporary install I decided to go ahead anyway:

sudo make install

Curiously, the resulting perl binary is very different in size from the pre-installed one:

$ ll /usr/local/bin/perl
-rwxr-xr-x  2 root  1147784 Apr 27 14:01 /usr/local/bin/perl*
$ ll /usr/bin/perl
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  46752 Mar 25 09:42 /usr/bin/perl*