z-index bug demo

.demo-wrapper {
  background-color: #eee;
  font-style: italic;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 10px;

.demo-wrapper header {
  background-color: #ddd;
  position: relative;
  margin: 0;

.demo-wrapper nav {
  display: inline;
  position: absolute;
  right: 0;
  top: 0;
  z-index: 1;

.demo-wrapper p {
  margin: 0;

.demo-wrapper nav p {
  background-color: #fee;
  border: 1px solid red;

.demo-wrapper ul {
  background-color: #efe;
  border: 1px solid green;
  margin: 0;
  z-index: 1; // no effect, because ul is not positioned

.demo-wrapper .main {
  background-color: #ccc;
  min-height: 10em;
  position: relative; /* this is the bug */

<section class="demo-wrapper">
        <li>item 1</li>
        <li>item 2</li>
        <li>item 3</li>
  <div class="main">

<p>In this example we have:</p>

<li>a <code>position: absolute</code> <em>nav</em> element, positioned relative to...</li>
<li>the <code>position: relative</code> <em>header</em> element which is its immediate parent.</li>

<p>Despite the fact the <em>nav</em> has <code>z-index: 1</code>, it appears underneath the <em>.main</em> <em>div</em> element that appears later in the markup.</p>

<p>So, thanks to "<a href="http://philipwalton.com/articles/what-no-one-told-you-about-z-index/">What no one told you about z-index</a>", we know the following:</p>

<h2>Ways to create a stacking context</h2>

<li>Root <code>html</code> element</li>
<li>Elements with <code>position</code> other than <code>static</code> and <code>z-index</code> other than <code>auto</code></li>
<li>Elements with <code>opacity</code> other than <code>1</code></li>

<h2>Ordering of elements within a stacking context</h2>

<li>Stacking context root element</li>
<li>Positioned elements (and children) with negative <code>z-index</code> values (ties broken by order of appearance in the DOM)</li>
<li>Non-positioned elements (in the order they appear in the DOM)</li>
<li>Positioned elements (and children) with <code>z-index: auto</code> (in the order they appear in the DOM)</li>
<li>Positioned elements (and children) with positive <code>z-index</code> values (ties broken by order of appearance in DOM)</li>

<p>The fact that no value of <code>z-index</code> on the <em>nav</em> element is sufficient to make it appear in front of the <em>.main</em> element indicates that we must have two stacking contexts at play here.</p>

<p>If we remove the erroneous <code>position: relative</code> on the <em>.main</em> element, then our <code>z-index</code> takes effect.</p>

<p>What could be creating a stacking context other than the root <code>html</code> element, given that no elements in our example have <code>opacity</code> other than <code>1</code>, and no elements have non-<code>static</code> <code>position</code> and non-<code>auto</code> <code>z-index</code>?</p>

<p>Here <code>header</code> and <code>.main</code> are peers, and both are positioned. Neither has a <code>z-index</code>. Clearly, however, <code>header</code> forms a stacking context, because the <code>z-index</code> of elements inside it are unable to ever appear in front of anything outside the <code>header</code>.</p>

<p><code>.main</code> ends up trumping anything in <code>header</code>, because <code>.main</code> appears after it in the DOM.</p>

<p>So, the stacking context is formed inside <code>header</code> because it is positioned, and it contains a descendent with a <code>z-index</code>. "Creation rule #2" above, "[e]lements with <code>position</code> other than <code>static</code> and <code>z-index</code> other than <code>auto</code>", makes it sound like the <code>position</code> and <code>z-index</code> must be on the <em>same element</em>, but this example makes it clear that that is not the case. Perhaps it is true that the non-<code>auto</code> <code>z-index</code> on the descendant forces the parent to have an implicit <code>z-index</code> of <code>0</code> (although the DOM inspector seems to refute this, showing an inherited value of <code>auto</code>).</p>

<p>An alternative explanation is that the two peers that are positioned will always appear relative to one another in the DOM due to "ordering rule #4". This in turn makes <code>z-index</code> pretty useless inside positioned elements, at least with respect to other positioned elements. Note that even setting a smaller <code>z-index</code> on the trumping value is not enough to fix the problem.</p>

<p>I think to fully lay this to rest I'll need to get a university degree in <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/zindex.html">the spec</a>.</p>