3.2 (Tiger) - Playlists no longer alphabetized

  1. Ivor J

    Since upgrading to the current iTunes, version 7.6 (29), Synergy now gives me a long list of playlists. They were alphabetized before the upgrade to 7.6, but now it shows playlists listed by folder view in iTunes, but of course Synergy doesn't show folders and their contents. Please advise as to what I should do. Thank you.


  2. Greg Hurrell

    Got a screenshot so I can see what you're talking about?

  3. Ivor J

    I'd be happy to send a screen capture, Wincent. How do you want me to send it to you? (The screen capture is a jpeg of just over 700k in size.) Do you need me to open a support ticket, or can I send it to you via email? Please advise.

    To explain in more detail, prior to the update to iTunes over a week ago, the Synergy list show an alphabetized list of playlists including my playlists of streaming radio stations. Perfectly alphabetized. After applying the iTunes 7.6 update, the list under Synergy alphabetizes the playlists by the folders I have in iTunes, with the streaming radio stations listed last. For example, my first folder of selected playlists starts with the letter 'A' (titled ACW). Synergy lists the playlists in the 'ACW' folder first, and those playlists start with various letters from the alphabet, which are alphabetized right after ACW. The next items that follow the just mentioned list is my CELTIC folder of playlists, so under the ACW playlists would be the listing of CELTIC and its lists of playlists. In short, what this means is that I no longer have ONE long Synergy list that is truly alphabetized, where for example, my streaming radio playlist titled CLASSICAL STREAMING would be alphabetized along with any other playlists with the letter 'C'. Instead, I have CLASSICAL STREAMING listed at the very end of my Synergy list, where all of the streaming radio playlists are listed as in iTunes. I'm not sure if this explanation does help at this time, but if you were to look at the screen capture you'd understand. Thanks, WC.


  4. Greg Hurrell

    You can email it to me if that's easier.

  5. Ivor J

    Dear Wincent: I just emailed the screen capture to you.



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