Floater request

  1. Diatribe

    Hi, thanks first for making this awesome app, one thing I'd like to request though is an option to have the floater below all windows. I have it set so it always is on but with always on top it is kind of annoying. So below all windows would solve this perfectly. I'll file a ticket for this also. Thanks.

  2. Greg Hurrell

    For reference, the official entry in the requests database can be found here:


  3. Diatribe

    Will this option make it into Synergy or will this be an Synergy advance only addition? The reason I am asking is because firstly Synergy advance seems to be taking forever to be a full Synergy replacement (no offense ) and secondly I have the fear that it will use a lot more resources than synergy and I really liked the fact that Synergy is light-weight and no resource-hog. Thanks.

  4. Greg Hurrell

    The truth is I don't know precisely when or where all these features will make it in. But whatever gets decided, the best place to keep a tab on it is to monitor that feature request (in the link above) because that's where any new information and progress reports will be posted.


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