iTunes 6.0.1 and Cover Art

  1. AdamG

    Just downloaded and installed Synergy 2.1 ... sweet. Cover art only works intermittanly in the floater, however. The software was only successful in locating and displaying one cover so far that wasn't already in iTunes. I've verified that covers for the songs I'm playing exist on Amazon and were located by Clutter, so I would expect that Synergy would find the same covers, but it doesn't. Is this a problem with iTunes 6.0.1 or something else?

  2. Greg Hurrell

    There are no known problems with Synergy 2.1 and iTunes 6.0.1. The cover downloads do sometimes take a while to appear because Synergy keeps them in a queue and only issues them to Amazon after a set interval. This is because Amazon in the past has blocked access to their servers by Synergy because they saw too many hits and not enough sales. So I had to increase the interval between queries. If you're patient, the results eventually will come in.

    This is still an ongoing issue. I still do get the occasional email from Amazon commenting that they are seeing too many hits and not enough sales. When they pulled the plug (back in late 2003) they did so without any advance warning. So I have to tread carefully because I don't want them to pull the rug out from under me again.

  3. AdamG

    Thanks for the reply. I understand the delay now, and why it's intermittant.

    I really like your software. Elegant. Simple. Does what it's supposed to do. Nice work.


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