Site updates (0.19)

After yesterday’s big deploy there were a couple of obvious wrinkles to be ironed out. I guess its not surprising that when you deploy code containing 1,000 new commits you’re going to discover an issue or two when you go live, even if you do have nearly 4,000 specs in your spec suite.

The main user visible changes are:

  • fixed broken forum indexes (actually, this was hot-fixed immediately after deploying)
  • outgoing emails are now text/plain again, instead of being inappropriately tagged with a text/html content type

Read on for a list of all commits in this update.

9c840ab Add local schema.rb back into repository
682c4a1 Git: unignore schema.rb
e1458f7 Regenerate schema.rb with 'rake db:schema:dump'
22ebec1 User model: display name must be present
3e8a85d Add specs for nil params to User.digest method
af4f1ab User: specs for NULL columns
387055c Post specs: clean up shared examples
6eff0ec Post model: add specs for NULL columns
bac4f52 Post#to_param: flesh out new-record spec
f3ac690 Articles model: add specs for NULL columns
87710d1 Attachment model: add specs for NULL columns
c70b09a Comment model: add specs for NULL columns
f643110 Bump memcache gem to 1.2.13
851a354 Update Bundler binstubs
74959bf Add a regression spec for issue #1670
c391dcd Add TODO comment to confirmation model
25b2c88 script/deploy: compare db/schema.rb to expected contents after migrating
4bf5ce0 Add confirmation model specs for NULL columns
22fb8d7 Ensure outgoing mail is sent with content-type 'text/plain'
3b50cdf Email model: add specs for NULL columns
8b27fd8 Forum and Issue models: add NULL column specs
71203e2 Link model: add NULL column specs
b366f54 Message model: add specs for NULL columns
c32b030 Monitorship model: add specs for NULL columns
4ed24a7 Update needle documentation (comment on absence of validations)
569d3a6 Fix typo in code comment in Needle model
58e4bb2 Needle model: add specs for NULL columns
ce56f73 Add missing body presence validation to page model
6fba2e1 Rewrapping in page model for better display on narrow terminals
062610c Add NULL-column specs to Page model
473c543 Add specs for NULL database columns to product spec
0a28944 Repo model: add specs for NULL columns in database
e218a52 Reset model: add specs for NULL db columns
2a4190a Repo model: update schema documentation
d148d3a Drop sessions table
f86a954 Add NULL-column specs for Tag and Tagging classes
5738871 Add NULL-column specs for Topic model
49745d4 Add NULL-column specs for Tweet model
8325386 Update db/schema.rb
a9aa02c Adapt monitorship specs for database schema changes
834dd09 More spec updates to sync with schema changes
6cf0c09 Update annotations on products#new and products#edit form