Site updates (0.18)

Here’s the changelog related to today’s extended site maintenance. There are just under 1,000 commits in here, which correspond to several months of development coinciding with the move from Rails 2 to Rails 3.

As I mentioned in this blog post, seeing as so much of the application had to be revised I decided to knock down some walls and implement some big changes, in addition to a whole lot of spring cleaning.

Even though I tried to be as prepared as possible for the final deployment, there were some unexpected roadbumps that had to be worked out, so I’ll be making a post with some notes on the process shortly. I expect to deploy another update soon too, to iron out some remaining wrinkles.

1fe1f36 Clean up pending and failing specs
7f7712c script/status: update path for Snow Leopard MySQL location
146f94d script/status: warn if stale PID file(s) found
8e4755b script/status: try removing stale PID file(s)
0ed4e2d script/memcached: clean up stale PID files
616b76f script/memcached: updates for latest PID-handling behaviour
0c8727f script/nginx: clean up stale PID files
b3f6c97 .gitignore: remove trailing blank line
fd709e1 Update vendored gem ".specification" files
66475a7 Rails 3: new session_store and cookie_secret API
aa27cec Rails 3: delete old vendor/gems in preparation for move to Bundler
3ee11e7 Rails 3: update files with "rails" tool
020cd52 Rails 3: bundle package
10c1f2c script/deploy: check for bundler and trust it
c505f6b Gemfile updates (Hpricot, Wikitext)
b63e52f Remove new_rails_defaults.rb
0d6823d Add missing Gemfile.lock file from commit c505f6b
a4d57b4 Fix syntax error in routes
7d464e0 Gemfile: update with mysql/hpricot etc
828e452 Fix uses of RAILS_ROOT/Rails.root
adf7e05 Rewrite routes using new Rails 3 DSL
f153092 Use ":path" instead of ":as" to change literal path in URL
0af5547 Rails 3: use set_callback method for callback setup
b5c452b Rails 3: remove references to ActionController::UrlWriter
cf3b37f Remove vendor/rails
58ee8fa Update to Haml 3.0.0.rc.3
75c35d0 Remove unused inline_js helper
a5c3b3a Rails 3: helper updates for h() and html_safe()
936dcf0 Rename SearchController to SearchesController
891b764 Clean up searches#create
c813435 Whitespace cleanup
b0320fe Rationalize issue search routing
67f648d Update remaining reference to SearchController
4d40621 Correct order of parameters to set_callback
5a07122 html_safe tweak for application layout
72b98ec Teach relative date JS to grok UTC dates
5e313ab Adapt paginator for html_safe changes
806ec42 Replace some references to searches_path
0ea993f Update to jQuery 1.4.2
426e6ea Further tweaks to callbacks
a5b2c8f Move admin/dashboard route into proper namespace
a857646 Rails 3: migrate deprecated model callbacks
7b7b7da Rails 3: replace deprecated error_messages_for calls
63e0706 Gem churn
ebb68e7 Update Gems to latest versions (Rails 3 beta 4, Haml etc)
c78d149 Mark next/previous issue link text as html_safe
e5bab30 Mark compound relative date strings as HTML-safe
a7395b7 bugfix: the JS method Date.UTC expects zero-based months
7aa22d6 Rails 3: mark product page HTML as safe
a07ff85 Fix issue filtering for normal users
f913179 Haml: explicitly set up to emit HTML5
161308f Update Sass to 3.0.11
23c93a2 Fix typo from commit f913179
e2379bd Add html_safe call in link_to_topic_for_forum method
2112c7a Work around for Rails 3 beta 4 truncate bug (#4825)
a92f316 Rails 3: lots of HTML-safe fixes
7659744 Make GET /search work
bed1684 HTML5: replace instances of <tt> with <code> elements
4f13bbd Update Haml to 3.0.12
2f0d773 Requests for / show Synergy product page
a404f96 Re-minify JS
e68470e Updates in preparation for Wikitext 2.0
4603161 Update to Wikitext 2.0
32c18dd Don't specify default "application" layout
68a9238 Rails 3: fix in-place editor field breakage
1f8cfdf Serve dynamic JS with appropriate Content-Type
cda2c45 Replace some html_safe calls with raw()
0546116 JsController: return 404 for non-existent templates
b8e9a19 Add error messages partial
26950de Simplify links#new template
32760e6 Rails 3: update to new CSS class names for validation
6cd50a6 Form shakedown
40aafa4 Don't nest inside "label" element
df83f97 Simplify posts#new form
7bb095e Convert posts#new form to new table-less style
35adfd6 Add annotation helper
283baa9 Use lists in forms for prettier CSS
93ef070 Remove now-redundant comment
00018fe Apply "field_with_errors" highlighting to textareas as well
0e888d9 Dump ValidatingFormBuilder in favor or field_error_proc
356d325 Move submit button inside form list
3143d87 Update button look
32bc221 Align wide submit buttons on forms (eg. comment partial)
8d1e12c Label and button color tweaks
eefe0bb Reduce excessive spacing above and below submit buttons
954b23b Simplify issues#edit form
83edd61 Revert "Remove unused inline_js helper"
f9b7d01 Teach annotation() to take multiple arguments
40075d5 Update issues/form partial
0c1b237 Simplify issues#new form
158d843 Use SASS mixins to share styling between "submit" and "button" inputs
55b3ea0 Make button/submit inputs match size of "link" CSS
d7d1c80 Dump Cucumber in favor of Steak
11096fc rspec: update spec/spec.opts -> .rspec for RSpec 2
18e3816 rspec: spec_helper updates for RSpec 2
e3a5c95 Fruit of running 'rails g rspec:install'
fd6f14d Remove old spec.rake file
8905ee4 Add autotest directory
a1f803d Add rspec_generator initializer
54ebcbe Switch to RR and Factory Girl
111ce7d Bump Steak to 0.4.0.beta.1
de38c1e Remove cucumber rake stuff
f1e2f24 More updates for Capybara/Steak
d965078 Remove demo acceptance spec
af67d7a Drop protocol requirement from routes.rb
9a9bcbd Ignore Capybara "save_and_open_page" files
8cb309f Don't include FixtureReplacement from .irbrc
b6f5e81 Include Factory Girl in development environment
92679db Fix .irbrc breakage
a33f5fd Add Factory Girl convenience methods to ActiveRecord
17ad26b Extend Factory Girl wrapper methods
19fbe66 Add product factory
61370be Work around missing url_handlers in sweepers
5f3eb95 Fix for sessions spec
5b802a6 Rails 3: silence a deprecation warning
fe0158b Get ":js => true" working for Steak/Capybara
cd382cb Add factories for Email, Product and User models
f265e39 Remove FixtureReplacement example data
966a9cd Add a JS-based (Culerity) session spec
0df7a52 Complete sessions acceptance spec
1bd3ec8 Rails 3: another deprecation warning bites the dust
327051c Add "local_request?" method
868b309 Use absolute path in require
fb894fd routes: point to products#index for requests to "/"
7766544 product#index specs
20a554e Remove products#index redirect
a5f1d6e Remove product icon attribute
96cd758 Migration to remove icon_extension attribute from database
9eaa733 Modernize login form
85962eb Temporary workaround for Rails bug #4879
0e7512e Make products category default to ''
48ba63e Rails 3: silence another deprecation warning
012f569 Refactoring of Product finder methods
6e072c7 Add "breadcrumbs" helper
30ea96e Sprinkle breadcrumbs
45b00c2 Modernize issues search form
954cb94 Don't explode if post title is nil
b0ea9d1 Initial version of Post factory
accba47 Fix broken tagging
65efb85 Add randomization to Post factory under development environment
eaf0562 Strip HTML tags in comments on dashboard page
18df15d Truncate long issue summaries in dashboard
5a83879 Mark tag_links helper output as HTML-safe
f70de88 Big overhaul of issue search handling and pagination
544dd59 Carry product selection across issue searches
49cfae9 Add "destructive" CSS class for dangerous buttons
5331ab2 Fully merge "link" and "button" CSS
c2f9817 Add "destructive" CSS class to "destroy" buttons
efffa81 Add spec for hidden products on front page
a7f8ba3 Capybara: use CSS selectors by default
ab75a15 Add db-level uniqueness contraint on tag names
753399b Set up "confirm" dialogs via Unobtrusive JS
a3b7a52 Silence a deprecation warning
a7ad1b7 Prepare for syntax highlighting on AJAX-loaded elements
997cfe1 Apply syntax highlighting in previews
40af859 Syntax highlighting refactoring for speed and cleanliness
14df9f4 Adjustments for jQuery plug-in guidelines
3e51c67 Modernize posts#edit template
50631df Unobtrusive JS version of old "popup" functionality
2fc867e Remove footer from empty layout
1c5d16c Tweak content div margins
abb8ba2 Fail nicely for "forbidden" errors
febd00f Clear AJAX flash before display errors
1bf3e95 Clear AJAX flash before starting new request
b320d16 Add "disabled" CSS to buttons that trigger pending AJAX requests
804ffc3 Suppress layout when rendering static error pages
17a256f Use URL helper in tweets#show template
4f7ba3d Only show comments form if commenting enabled on tweet
aaf25db Load post comments form via AJAX
b22e1d7 Rails 3: replace deprecated request_uri calls
4c01208 Load wiki comments form via AJAX on demand
76968b7 Fix commenting on wiki articles with funny characters
c0ee410 legal: update software list
b97d0d3 Add regression spec for bug fixed in 76968b7
75fef46 Silence another deprecation warning
57cce0c Rails 3: avoid deprecation warning for "validate" method
a1a2d56 Don't use add_to_base
6f4f71c Remove stray comment
cc1cfa9 Add article factory
eee187c Add missing 'require' to Post factory
393390b Spec tweaks
356bdba Gem updates
3a9e15b Fix "destroy" button on issues#show template
f870a9f Use button_to instead of link_to for issues#show destroy
dba5389 Replace more "destroy" link_to calls with button_to
05aeaf7 Add issues search acceptance spec file
6d9c83d RSpec 2: changes to shared example groups
302d337 Gemfile updates
8cbc6c0 Update to current master branch of Steak
ee9598c Run "bundle install --relock"
502daa9 Handle spec dependencies the right way
b56acfc RSpec: integrate_views is now render_views
ea5ea54 Remove stray parenthesis
486efc9 Always use strings with shared_examples_for
259ecde Add comment factory
710f330 Move factories into "support" directory
a378f40 Avoid repetitive require
2d0eec1 Make CommentMailer spec runnable again
f6781c8 Bail if user runs "spec" instead of "rspec" by mistake
a7c5a8a Include "protocol" in app config
11a2a5a Add protocol to default_url_options
ec158b1 Add mailer spec helpers (gets CommentMailer specs passing)
afc9e68 Rename controller helpers to minimize risk of namespace clash
d00a76a Include spec helper modules automatically
e07361a Update to RSpec 2.0.0.beta.13 and Factory Girl 1.3.1
7f881f2 Use RSpec 2.0.0 beta 13 "example.options"
f78645c Gemfile: explicitly require RSpec 2.0.0.beta.13 or greater
feebf1f Warn if running "rspec" outside the context of Bundler
124957c .irbrc updates for moved factory files
a7faf76 CSS: flash improvements
6484a01 Add icons for flashes
8c7224a Add CSS styling for flash icons
8cb9c9e Change order of columns in issue lists
f4b584f Drop "main" class from issues#show table
2abf64a Right align "labels" in issues#show template
a6f95d2 Give subtle embossed effect to table headers
da503c8 Cull some words from the footer to reduce visual clutter
e71e23a Add thead/tbody to admin posts#index
3d6cd65 Add breadcrumbs to admin posts#index
74ce747 Add breadcrumbs to administrator dashboard
f86f865 Add thead/tbody to admin dashboard
5cff9ba Add bread crumbs to (admin) topic index
4b405f0 Only emit tbody element if it's going to have rows
2d24419 Add thead/tbody to forums#index
6c64e4c Add thead/tbody to forums#show
7e0db59 issues/issues: only emit tbody if we have content for it
9520375 More breadcrumb cleanup in admin namespace
113b203 Give admin tags#index the thead/tbody treatment
e5db952 tbody treatment for articles#edit
ecd4e81 issues/form: fix two mismatched labels
0f587c9 Modernize articles#edit template
97119b4 Add thead/tbody to articles#index
80cf9ee Rails 3: silence another deprecation warning
4bf02e3 Modernize articles#new template
20949c4 Give dashboard tables some thead/tbody lurve
30d8dc6 Change column order in dashboard comments table
668928f Add tbody to emails#edit
a0dcc88 Rails 3: silence deprecation warning
61ddc83 Clean up email#edit template
dbe6f75 Modernize forums#new
d5afd55 Love for links#index template
0571e93 Enhancements to pages forms
b775781 Add breadcrumbs to page form templates
9a92870 Add tbody/thead to taggings partial
7c933a2 Fix users listing
c717f51 user#show cleanup
45be2e0 Bring products#edit template up to date
9b94af0 Silence a bunch more deprecation warnings
ed5056c posts#edit cleanup
1fe9142 products/form partial cleanup
d4b6916 Be brief in wikitext markup help link
18a4c83 Update resets views
6ee6ddf Update topics/edit
5872b41 Modernize topics/new
812b40e Use "major" heading class on tweets index
d5ddf7f Use major style on principal blog index heading
5edca41 User thinner line for "major" underline on h2 elements
0de0aeb Use smaller heading in tweets sidebar
da6bb23 Use major heading on tweets#show template
ff2851a Modernize tweets#edit
45a17cf Modernize tweets#new
f40e3a0 Update users#edit template
8ba247b Clean up users#new template
a1ad0c3 Fixes for users#edit display
1cdf7b2 Add breadcrumbs to articles#edit
7fc499b articles#edit: add line above preview area
801ef4b Eliminate the final separating line between form elements
664c086 Tweak footer appearance
8d1ffff Assorted view cleanup
f1fd259 Add missing 'major' class on preview headers
c46dc48 Drop unnecessary parens
8db497f Drop unneeded :cols param
e92653d Breadcrumbs for issues#new
00adfe1 Shorter back-link for issues#new
a94afcb Fix up a couple more back-links
f39c812 Breadcrumbs and form simplification for confirmations#new
438cec4 Make buttons more compact when inside a table cell
bfa1f41 Dashboard cleanup
2fdfe75 Dump "table.main" class
33af9b1 Update rspec.rake task
8c175bc Add uses_dynamic_javascript? method
24033c5 Add methods for automatic insertion of stylesheet tags
d4476f8 DRY up stylesheet inclusion
4e883a3 Add border-radius to #sidebar properties
2b7ea60 Turn comment bubble divs into ol/li elements
442ac03 Convert issue comments to "bubbles"
aa6a5e3 First cut at "boxed" comment style
b258fb9 Extract comment bubble styles into separate file
e0bab97 Fix top margin on lists in comment bubbles
03a9b34 Intermediate cut at "boxed" comment style
8c86482 inline-block to the rescue
87d934c Correct text darkness in boxed comments
7aceeee Fix wrapping in "boxed" comments
0dda2b7 Remove hacky margin fine-tuning
8978732 Extract comment box CSS into separate file
dc23fa2 Move comment boxes to the left
646652a Make topics#show use table-less CSS
f3679c3 Turn post comment timestamps into permalinks
70ea9c0 Make comment permalinks appear only on hover
49af07b Rename "permalink" class to "hoverlink" and use it more widely
2d6120f Make tweet permalinks into "hoverlinks" as well
f58bede Compromise on tweet hoverlink behavior
cad7445 More tweet permalink visibility tweaks
8a29aad Permalinks for articles#show comments
4874146 Add permalinks for tweets#show comments
6b5e5ed Remove unnecessary indirection
8464cfc Add permalinks to topics#show comments
276c3c9 Permalinks or issues#show comments
50c06b9 Update spec_helper to match upstream
b52e620 Add missing uses_stylesheet_links omitted from previous commit
e03bd82 script/deploy: use "bundle install" instead of "rake gems:..."
210da5a Bundle update
3406dcd Set up explicit BUNDLE_PATH for deployments
772920f Add jruby-openssl to Gemfile
c4aa828 Add mongrel to Gemfile
85a037a Remove unneeded requires
adc6a2b Clear RUBYOPT to make "rake spec:acceptance" work reliably
955f0f3 Prune RUBYOPT less aggressively
2c9c4c3 Future-proof against possible vendor whitespace changes
b40129f More simplification to RUBYOPT codepath
e2ace93 Add spec:unit task
76036a9 Rails 3: kill a deprecation warning
d0d612e Rails 3: more deprecation warnings
3c0f9cc Rails 3: deprecation warnings
8eb7233 Use mail method in comment mailer
2294762 Comment mailer: use default method
ffa2346 Use headers[] rather than headers() method
638edf1 Move support mailer into its new home
59b313b Knock support mailer specs into shape
296f820 Silence some deprecation warnings
a3b9889 Silence some more deprecation warnings
71a8000 Move issue mailer to its new Rails 3 home
34f8b26 Add issues factory
1acb324 Use issue factory in issue mailer specs
76f4395 Silence Rails 3 deprecation warnings
fc102bf Drop unneeded manipulation of default_url_options
50a2459 Update issue mailer to use new API
dcba24b Refactor issue mailer to eliminate temporary variables
99ad655 Further simplification to issue mailer
b282c05 Refactor comments mailer to avoid temporary variables
bbf6172 Move remaining mailers into app/mailers
1aaf8eb Add confirmations factory
b6ab17d User confirmation factory in specs
100531a Silence a Rails 3 deprecation warning
bd40c77 Remove unneeded default_url_options calls
836a458 Silence more Rails 3 deprecation warnings
57723c4 Refactor confirmation mailer using new API
d2a3c0b Use Factory Girl factory in reset mailer specs
fe77d75 Remove unnecessary default_url_options calls
8ea1c70 Silence some deprecation warnings
84f2091 Add reset factory
6ded53a Silence more deprecation warnings
a23c322 Simply spec setup by using reset factory
4705b75 Convert reset mailer to use new Rails 3 API
a3af47f Remove "email_address" attribute from reset factory
4dc7f4e Rename fixtures_spec.rb to factories_spec.rb
7a1bd37 Update meta/factories spec for Factory Girl
dfae5ac Revert 'Remove "email_address" attribute from reset factory'
ae3a0d8 Add lorem_ipsum generator
cab47c3 Use lorem_ipsum in article factory
ba7e93e Add remaining missing factories
0b1a627 Use new topic factory in topic mailer specs
c9cebc0 Silence Rails 3 deprecation warnings
e979598 Silence more Rails 3 deprecation warnings
425f11c Convert topic mailer to new API
ba8d9cb Remove unneeded default_url_options calls
562a47f Silence Rails 3 deprecation warnings
96e7512 Switch to RR mock syntax for exception mailer specs
2b816da Use more concise RR syntax in exception mailer specs
a904e28 Use new API in exception mailer
f846203 Fix custom matcher breakage caused by the move to RSpec 2
a0be736 Use factory girl factories in message specs
f5856e3 Confirm that message records default to incoming
80311a5 Automatically populate message_id_header field when appropriate
d314d30 Remove calls to SupportMailer.new_message_id
df4f87c Silence Ruby warning due to bad parenthesis placement
7b0387f Silence Rails 3 deprecation warning about errors.on
f0841f3 Add validations to monitorship model
3d8098a Add monitorship specs
4e3a316 Wrapping to fit under 80 columns
619a956 Use ensure rather than rescue in current_user_wrapper
7fac6ec Add basis for exception notifying mechanism
816518a Move rescue_action_in_public into middleware
fe3d8e1 Remove "local_request?" method
bc23386 Refactor exception reporter code for clarity
91277b1 Fully armed and operational ExceptionReporter
46287c0 Add more info to exception notifications
adaca64 Clean up backtraces by substituting BUNDLE_PATH
0e2c31a Remove trailing whitespace
4c4ed8a Make tweet specs pass again
b2782ec Update exception mailer spec for new report format
779beac Update article specs for Factory Girl
41e8ba0 Update comment specs to use Factory Girl
38f40d6 Convert comment spec mocks to RR
320b073 Fix email specs (FixtureReplacement -> Factory Girl)
2593b1d Try to make the Email#deleted= method more useful
54266ee Note limitation of restrictive email address format
7119e42 Flesh out email specs
cb88223 Drop an ancient spec that is no longer needed
7fd1587 Simplify a uniqueness test
1c47b3a Update user specs (FixtureReplacement -> Factory Girl)
dcc8475 Update user spec comment
ac5f786 Factory Girl triumphs where FixtureReplacement failed
23771c9 Update to Bundler 1.0.0.beta.2 and use new "platforms" API
8b10a87 Remove RUBYOPT pruning
5f41033 Move ruby-debug into 'development' group
432f72b Repair reset specs
bc497e1 Add migration to remove user_id from resets table
ac6d96f Remove "user_id" from Reset model
e2beafb Replace build-then-save! pattern with create!
2e2333e Replace build-and-save pattern with create
b744e93 Dump some unnecessary parens
2b175a1 Make clearer what's really happening in the validation
3529ae7 Remove Bundler warning from spec_helper.rb
1d1bd68 Add show action to resets controller
9f7157c Add back needed params
a25dd35 Use short URLs in reset mailer
8dbe19a Factory clean-up
6725adc Rethink Reset factory
2c6eeb0 Remove Reset factory kludge
5bc45a6 Backtrack on Reset factory changes
d1f784e Fix failures in topic specs due to tool changes
3e525d8 mock_with is now mock_framework
dc845e3 Track Git repo of rspec-mocks
f145ff2 Switch to RR for shared classified mocking
6e194e7 Use 'new' API for specifying mock framework
b7875fb Update topic specs for RR
ecf8666 Add more info about mysterious RR failures
3b06c5d Use loser param expectations in topic mocks
4bcf469 Link back to RR issue on GitHub
0e7da2b Unbreak tagging specs
49a1b64 Merge subgroups in tagging specs
39a38ac Drop validity spec from tagging_spec.rb
3cec21a Modernize tagging specs
7c7c6a9 Unbreak tag specs
848cd2c Remove duplicative spec
e854b33 Make 'it' strings briefer by dropping 'should'
26487e2 Unbreak product specs
a3bb49e Remove redundant spec
25856a8 Fix post specs
ce6f50e Reproducible sequences are overrated
a367824 Update to Capybara 0.3.9
92a006f Remove redundant specs
68c11af Unbreak page specs
76a22da Remove redundant specs
4d87b20 Unbreak needle specs
0090109 Unbreak link specs
9905c69 Remove duplicative spec
d4a67ab Unbreak issue specs
1eb0d80 Remove redundant spec
5223bee Unbreak forum specs
8f768be Update whitespace specs to use new RSpec matcher API
66db3ac Minor cleanup to whitespace_spec.rb
f32d358 Don't run whitespace specs on irrelevant/non-existent files
8f4f0af Unbreak application helper specs
7372fca Unbreak tweet helper specs
3de77ac Unbreak tags helper specs
5451828 Explicit helper no longer needed in helper specs under RSpec 2
934af0a 'integretion' specs are now 'request' specs under RSpec 2
66a569f Fix favicon background
1e6378e Add routing spec helpers
dcdfe41 Start revising article routing specs
b61d842 Add map_from matcher and use it in routing specs
2ab35b9 Restrict routing matchers to router specs only
1f4b4d7 Flesh out article routing specs
6b6d088 Finish basic route recognition and generation specs for articles
9b9d09c More article routing spec clean-up
756df45 Add "map" matcher and use it in router specs
e18497d Separate URL helper specs into a separate block
c6bce10 Support "controller#action" syntax in "map*" route matchers
66b160d Unbreak issues routing specs
009ffd8 Use shorter 'controller#action' syntax in article routing specs
16a539a Add description to routing matchers
9e1a9ee Ignore method in map_from matcher
d2248b2 Simplify paginated issues routing
7a6b06e Tweets route reform
f6746cf Abbreviate article routing specs
83aa2cc Give posts routing a makeover
37be9d1 Don't let article routing specs feel lonely
eef95a6 Get rid of pagination helper for article routes
e6ae690 Be stricter about the format of the :page parameter
fc10cd0 Unbreak link routing specs
fd3482b Bring resets routing specs up to date
d26cf6b Bring tag route specs up to date?
36ae510 Update to Celerity pre-release
d847de1 Add "be_recognized" matcher
12906d0 Finish admin forums routing specs
36c7f69 Get 'be_recognized' working the way it should
148c867 Add description for 'be_recognized' matcher
acefd25 Use consistent language in routing specs
1e96807 Bump Celerity rev (fixes "bundle update/install" warnings)
40b0f39 Exclude some controller actions which should never be routable
dff1986 Down with double quotes! Long live single quotes!
3c0218e Use be_recognized instead of be_routable
50f3fed Add specs for forums routing
d4514a7 Add nested comments to routing specs
131572f Add topics routing specs
384c507 Unbreak tweets#show view specs
65c62ab Use webrat matchers in tweets#show view specs
478fbf2 Use :content for shorter spec
3ab9673 Flesh out and tidy up tweets#show view specs
cd0b20b Update to Celerity 0.8.0.beta.1
bd92a20 Use 'helper' instead of 'view.extend'
4afb3b0 Flesh out tweets#show specs
1af0622 Unbreak tweets#new view specs
18615b3 Use "stub.proxy(view).render.with_any_args"
b944702 Unbreak articles controller specs
bb00cf2 Fix pending spec
52b9406 Controller specs for articles#index
6e1e19c Check assigns in articles controller specs
439414d Make some use of Arel-powered scopes in Articles model
438b226 Rename "map()" to "have_routing()"
9e6d3a4 Add 'public' scope to Article model
b4ed205 Replace some references to "map()" with "have_routing()"
55695cd Update Article model scopes
cc0cc59 Use scoped methods in articles#index
48c0341 Custom shared error messages
2f4b5c3 Collapse two lines into one
48d5151 Work around Rails bug #5060
e36ba73 Update to RSpec 2.0.0.beta.16
75d7d44 Add Capybara a8a4efc3790daa6f146c to vendor/repos
3a94c2b Tell Bundler to look at local Capybara fork
9b5191a Replace shallow Capybara clone with plain directory
2f45c6b Work around hanging Celerity specs
5c7c6b5 Update Capybara path in Gemfile
1fbe0df Update Gemfile.lock (remove duplicate lines)
c873178 Reorganize articles controller spec
69a8285 Update controller spec helpers for Factory Girl and RR
0faf29c Add 'as_admin' helper for controller specs
19b2c69 Teach Article.find_with_param! to take a user parameter
e511b36 Change action order to match standard order
57bfed8 More Atom format specs for articles controller, and notes
3a98ec4 Add redirection specs to articles controller
b84ac78 Move url_for_redirect into the model
afa0087 Make "articles_path" available inside the model
66a10f5 Share regexes between validation and URL generation methods
1dba61a Rename "url_for_redirect" to "redirection_url"
d44eec7 Move a comment to a more appropriate place
4a105e2 Completely blow away the test directory, don't just ignore it
9d72c87 Specs for articles#new
4b33d4e Specs for articles#create action (normal requests)
f65284c Specs for AJAX calls to articles#create
8785167 Be obsessive about not aborting requests in before filters
c4fe4bf articles#show: add specs for non-existent articles
d96b0c2 Add specs for articles#edit
f45b60e Specs for articles#update
b4f0963 Unbreak tweets controller specs
e7fcd25 Add note about evil design of comments controller
efa331d Massive cleanup of 'get_parent' method
e4c4145 Remove broken parameter filtering specs (Rails 3)
e882897 tweets partial: add 'comment' link next to 'permalink'
9c47dca Run mysqld as normal user, with test database in RAM
2608ee0 script/status: update for new MySQL set-up
b88483d Update to RSpec 2.0.0.beta.17
611ce7f Add Bundler executable stubs
73cee06 Git: ignore db/development_structure.sql
0d688d3 Make RSpec generators available
e9e66f5 Drop user-stupidity guard
ba40883 Unbreak links controller specs
500440a Move "rspec-rails" back into development + test groups
20d47db Annotate Gemfile
baa6bdf Convert "assets" directory into a submodule
8ca486f deploy: git clone using "--recursive"
902415e deploy: bump minimum Bundler version
7115e72 deploy: use explicit "submodule update"
29600b2 deploy: use Bundler bin stubs
b88e235 Unbreak topics controller specs
cbb28a5 Unbreak sessions controller specs
78a169b Unbreak search controller specs
7090fdf Edits for brevity
e498752 Unbreak products controller specs
5bb4c54 Unbreak posts controller specs
ec9c330 Triage JsController specs
7aac88d Silence incredibly noisy backtraces in spec runs
92050b4 Switch to Git version of RR
25de644 Unbreak issues controller specs
94a5877 Various CSS tweaks for readability
2b8f67a CSS: war on dotted borders
2549ab1 Keep a minimum of code inside "rescue" blocks
2d592ba Unbreak heartbeat controller specs
6fc74cb Unbreak comments controller specs
866de5b Unbreak admin dashboard controller specs
4b56ddf Unbreak admin issues controller specs
f0ed94a Remove 2 "pending" guards (latest RR has fix)
ced9d38 Add ViewSpecHelpers
b4dea7a Unbreak tweets#index view specs (HTML format)
964db85 Switch to a shinier comment bubble
3e30dc1 CSS tweaks for better bubble placement
d321359 Bundle update
9bca1b4 Remove unnecessary helper call in tweets#show view spec
dccd60a Match view helper code to upstream patch version
bb7eb6e Use cleaner stub set-up in tweets#index view spec
0ae527f Drop unneeded 'with_any_args' from tweets#new view specs
abd6f88 Unbreak tweets/preview partial specs
3d824fb Unbreak tweets/tweets partial specs
c7c09f5 Unbreak tweets#index (Atom format) view specs
3a54bb5 Unbreak tweets#edit view specs
a6b495c Partially unbreak topics#show view specs
3f8e07b Unbreak tags#index view spec
3850f11 Unbreak topics#edit view specs
280c3e0 Unbreak tags#show view specs
4586d18 Unbreak support#index view specs
5795028 Unbreak searches#new view spec
5707398 Correct paths for searches view specs
da099cb Unbreak searches/_issues view specs
b14d248 Toughen test for summary escaping in searches/_issues partial
fd8cef4 Unbreak searches#create view specs
09a7692 Cleaner set-up in searches#create view spec
d73ef56 Move duplicate spec file
b0890f5 Remove duplicate spec file
71e92a5 Unbreak searches/_tweet view spec
df272d9 Simplify render call in searches/_issue view spec
e99cf62 Unbreak searches/_topic view spec
f1be253 Unbreak searches/_article view spec
77ac6b8 Unbreak searches/_post view spec
f3226a9 Unbreak searches/_form view spec
27dfe77 Silence more Rails 3 deprecation warnings
989b376 Unbreak resets/new view spec
e05dd32 Unbreak resets#edit view specs
c503d23 Remove CommentMailer view specs
9139895 Unbreak products#index view spec
e405271 Unbreak posts#index view specs
b2ff7cc Unbreak posts#index view specs (Atom format)
e523939 Unbreak pages#edit view spec
3272d83 Unbreak pages#new view specs
4e40be9 Unbreak misc#legal view spec
ddaf0d3 Unbreak links#new view specs
2da4745 Unbreak links#index view specs
1165062 Update bug links in Gemfile
d1ca388 Unbreak issues/show view specs
2142422 Workaround for rspec-rails issue #119
a8ad98b Unbreak issues#search view specs
240ed31 Unbreak issues#new view specs
8effcaf Unbreak issues#index view specs
ff68fc6 Unbreak issues#edit view specs
5809117 Remove spec for view which no longer exists
19b2640 Unbreak issues/_issues partial spec
a490658 Complete some pending specs for issues/_issues partial
7185454 Unbreak layout specs
44874b3 Unbreak forums#show view spec
5348ae6 Unbreak forums#index view spec
d55dba8 Unbreak admin view specs
8398b06 Unbreak dashboard#show view specs
a85a58b Remove unneeded explicit 'self' receiver in lib/authentication
37b1726 Unbreak comments#edit view spec
d15fe16 Unbreak articles#index (Atom format) view spec
9d34512 Unbreak attachments#new view spec
f2303fd Partial revert of a85a58b
0a7c74d Fix attachments factory
a21ad44 Cleaner implementation of helper hack
c38b3da Patch view spec metaclass only
21076e8 Do not pluralize controller name when dynamically generating CSS tag
791107b Rename search.css to match controller name
ee0abf5 Use ActiveSupport::Concern to simplify StylesheetLinks module
101529e Use ActiveSupport::Concern to simplify Authentication module
a565a60 Use ActiveSupport::Concern in authentication model parts as well
4dd70ea Make 'random_session_key' a protected instance method
8551fc8 Comment cleanup
66934e3 Keep constants together near module head
76ef4b6 Use protected and private methods in authentication module
9cdcf53 Use ActiveSupport::Concern to simplify DynamicJavascript module
9efa11d Use ActiveSupport::Concern to simplify sortable modules
9f594f4 Edit sortable module for conciseness
eb700bc Fix no-op sortable_header_cell calls
849d67f Add basic specs for #sortable_header_cell
65fe71f Don't bother passing :protocol to url_for in sortable_header_cell
f93104f Add real sortable_header_cell calls to issues/_issues spec
a4e6203 Complete regression specs for fix from commit eb700bc
f91a4fc Add smilie images for autotest and growlnotify
f14278c Add autotest gem to Gemfile
21c6054 autotest: report results via growlnotify
e3e6819 Add missing binstubs
6590be7 Disable broken Vim formatter until RSpec 2 formatter API is finalized
37cca9e Get VimFormatter working again
8e0e9ef Teach VimFormatter to use growlnotify
954f970 Remove outdated populate_development_db.rb script
db55140 Remove gem rake tasks, now made redundant by Bundler
0a27913 Remove deprecated constant
f3dc854 Remove deprecated constant
3ad8389 Clean out legacy scripts from previous versions of Rails/RSpec
5a6fd9c Whitespace fix
b0c6208 Silence ActionMailer deprecation warnings
062bc62 Replace to-be-deprecated #find calls in users controller
d7facff Restore status script, accidentally blown away in 3ad8389
d91f54c Use new API for issues search queries
5a8b69e Fix for another case of Rails bug #5060
fbabf17 Move workaround into controller to minimize impact on specs
0bb5bd5 New query API in admin::posts#index
5481e0b Switch to new query API in needle model
74f835e Silence another deprecated ActionMailer API warning
1bfe796 Use new query API in tagging model
5edbcce Replace some old query API use in comments controller
227a1b5 Add note about ActiveRecord::Relation quirk
bc98c6c Don't let YAML errors derail exception mailer
d77b9a7 Silence another deprecation warning
adddec6 Use require_dependency to undo Rails unloading
b742e39 New query API for dashboard controller
4d6979a Fix navbar search box positioning
65daa77 Correct ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound constant name
c6b9828 Remove old comments about former bugs
dfb6d02 Migrate to new query API in tag model
7c553e5 Prettify a query in the tagging model
4d422b3 Drop unnecessary explicit receiver
68c522f Add Tag#find_with_tag_names method
48120b0 Use find_with_tag_names method
b10ace7 Replace 'find_all_by' queries in tagging model
03507a3 find_using_query_string becomes find_with_query_string
b2bf3f0 New query API in confirmations controller
267e09b New query API for forum model
79319bf Use new query API in topics controller
f750201 Use shorter idiom in topics controller
972d6e8 Make annotations about redundant queries in topics#show view
5ec6391 New query syntax in tags controller
716e5db New query syntax in resets controller
40ab852 New query API for issues controller
3a11a86 New query API for support controller
1af186d New query API for admin forums controller
9c9351f New query API for admin issues controller
295bc44 New query API for admin tags controller
c53b9fd New query API for confirmations controller
2265b3e More query changes for resets controller
bff3c3e Drop unnecessary parens
3be2924 Add missing parens
ef27e05 Remove Cucumber sessions feature (already converted to Steak)
df0625c Fix admin issues controller spec breakage
9b246e0 Translate wiki feature from Cucumber to Steak
4a2b2df Convert relative dates spec from Cucumber to Steak
32a0523 Port issue annotation feature from Cucumber to Steak
f829685 Port attachments feature from Cucumber to Steak
fd446cb Steak: only add helpers to acceptance specs
f69aee9 Make Rails URL helpers work transparently in Steak specs
46d65a3 Port resets feature from Cucumber to Steak
a2119e1 Remove features directory
a1e181f Show Growl notification at end of manual spec runs
c7158fa Copy growlnotify method from GrowlFormatter
fb9f242 Comment updates
d38d8c2 Add rcov to Gemfile
fdc84fc Add spec:unit:rcov task
d2de007 Bring DESIGN_NOTES up to date
5a6895e Remove SETUP_NOTES
f0340f8 Rename README_FOR_APP to plain old README
1a174cf Make GrowlFormatter inherit from ProgressFormatter
877bcfd Change many instances of "login" to "log[_ ]in"
127af37 Rename log_in_as_normal_user helper
28f2084 Specs for confirmations controller
fe2129c Don't add to cookie flash unless non-nil
6d10735 Refactoring of confirmations controller
b0cb3ad Make messages in deliver() more generic (for reuse)
5dff73c Edit deliver() error messages for brevity
713fba3 Move deliver() method up into application controller
a157c23 Move parameter filtering specs out of shared application examples
7f687b0 New specs for resets#new action
fa4161b Migrate query to new API in resets controller create action
4da8449 Use deliver() method in resets#create action
13f6ff8 New specs for resets#create action
da8469a New specs for resets#show action
4f03eac New specs for resets#edit action
de773e8 Add specs for resets#update action
2ed0a90 Clean up view spec helpers
399d1b8 Add specs for tags#index
c48dc3d Fix reset acceptance spec breakage (case mismatch)
cc94651 Set "no_full_*" autotest options
3842bce Specs for tags#show and tags#search actions
2e2dcd6 Add products helper specs
829affd Redo pages helper specs
16834ff Add specs for admin/forums#new
774c76a Add specs for admin/forums#show.js action
5f9068f Use RR stub -> mock chaining
da1623c Remove impertinent attribute from factory
58840ee Make forum position mass-assignable
f4a99df Add specs for admin/forums#update.js action
18cd962 Extract 'require_admin' shared example groups into separate file
b3d4552 Use stub instead of mock
8bf1209 Use more lax stubs, because we can
49d2c2f Bundle update (thor)
c56927a Bump Steak to commit 1c5e882
ba7fb0e Specs for users#index action
600a8c8 More user controller specs
3ddbf76 Make factories independent of load order
1281e9d Make user factory more useful in controller specs
d1b2347 Add specs for users#create
0d84ed4 User deliver() method in users controller
1041de5 users#create updates and fixes
20704ad Drop special handling o position attribute from admin/forums#update
90988a7 Specs for users#show
79f5433 Make redirect_to_login a private method
a5e8522 Reduce repetition in "require_*" shared example groups
49e6433 Don't refer to Mr Krinkle directly
59fb324 Partial specs for users#edit action
bebf612 Specs for users#edit action
745d181 Make "log_in_as" helpers more realistic
aa1f97c Remove email deletion handling from users#edit
dfa01b9 Specs for users#edit
48b89c6 Remove unnecessary reload
f58bfea Update comments in users/edit template
0660215 Fix minor regression in users#edit logic
7c93041 Avoid possible duplicate ID when showing errors on multiple models
e083481 Show model type in shared error partial
fd602ff Move users#update example into right place (fix bug from 0660215b)
0408b14 Remove unneeded explicit true return from before filters
575aa8a Make User.emails errors appear as
e0e91d4 Remove now unused remove_emails method
330fea5 Make users#to_param work properly with dirty records
ad7f017 Add initial regression specs for issue #1616
f1ff4b2 Incorporate changes to acceptance helper from recent Steak
f6842a2 Be more intention revealing in issue #1616 spec
1d22c0f Remove duplicate entries from Gemfile.lock
4843781 Gemfile cleanup (remove workarounds for bugs fixed in Bundler)
2c1e1a0 Move to Git version of Capybara
c60808c Better description for commit 76968b7 regression test
a40454b Avoid deprecation warning in commit 76968b7 regression test
b4cb9f5 More descriptive filename for commit 76968b7 spec
84074be Make posts#to_param work properly with dirty records
2c002f4 Make Article#to_param work properly with dirty records
8f62db9 Minor refactoring of User#to_param
c420be4 Make Email#to_param work properly with dirty records
b8f183f Make Forum#to_param work properly with dirty records
2598c13 Make Page#to_param and Product#to_param work properly with dirty records
8f75fea Make tag#to_param behave properly for dirty records
25a1487 Update bundle (for RSpec 2.0.0.beta.18)
cb300a2 Whitespace fix (silences warning)
3db42bc Add workaround for Bundler regression (ticket 478)
33c3617 Remove items made redundant by RSpec 1.0.0.beta.18
8dd0ac0 Alias 'it_should_behave_like' to 'it_has_behavior'
20920e7 Refactoring for tags#edit action
1f1aedb Minor tweak to Vim formatter to match changes in RSpec
6432561 Use 'it_has_behavior' in specs
d703e3b Make 'cookie_flash' spec helper return an "indifferent" hash
81f1f2e Always use symbol params to cookie_flash method
0f23082 Implement tags#edit
3bc10bb Move Steak's Capybara-specific config into capybara.rb support file
28c5cdd Fix string typo in spec
ea0fb57 Add tags#edit to issue #1616 regression spec
cdda05f Rename example group helper modules to more accurately describe them
51888db Use ":type" for custom spec helper inclusion
44a6589 Add forums#edit
d0c8daf Tweaks to tags/edit view spec
f3b6b09 Add missing tags/edit template omitted from earlier commit
f5a2962 Add links#edit
4033cf0 Restore syntax highlighting functionality
fa7697b Update product links in application layout
9644137 Use all lowercase in footer links to reduce their importance
05e43e3 Update product links in static pages
fd11ec2 Prettify and remove inline CSS from maintenance page
b72a7e7 Add haml versions of static files in public
2ed9fbe Round-trip generate static HTML files in public using Haml
9f61469 Bundle update (test fix for Bundle issue #477)
7ee4605 Add script/static for generating static HTML from Haml files
503b390 Add static:generate rake task
13b4ed7 Refactor script/static
9f02efc Introduce View class into script/static
15dcf7f Implement "content_for" in script/static
b57da9b Add 'render' method to script/static
ca10ce9 script/static: don't mention explicit :content
80e8d5f script/static: drop explicit page title argument
3e1164e script/static: use instance variable for sections
37cdf5f rake static:generate updates files on as-needed basis
dd043ef script/static: blow-up early for missing or bad args
b3077e7 Tweaks to application layout for HTML 5
ce4a81c Drop unnecessary explicit yield in static layout
cd2d65f script/static: silence warning about multiple values for a block parameter
e69e387 Make generate:static task files depend on layout file as well
6347da7 Show search criteria above issue search results listing
7bca896 Initial version of repos controller
5668764 Add repo model
4522677 Add missing repos#index template from previous commit
bbb8772 Add repo factory to meta specs
c2c6e39 Don't let RSpec rake task files cause production tasks to bomb
04df7d1 script/deploy: expect Bundler 1.0.0.rc.1 minimum
d135bdd script/deploy: check that generated static HTML files up-to-date
5398376 script/deploy: add 'lock' as synonym for 'lockdown'
708492c Update to Rails 3.0.0.rc
788fae5 Update to Git version of Haml (for fix for removal of 'returning' method)
3e0f91c Rails 3.0.0.rc: fix Needle specs breakage
e8ca595 Set config.active_support.deprecation in development and production
a1c4119 Work around Rails bug #5208
780e1e6 Use require_dependency for ostruct
6fbd7bf Update vendor/cache after update to Bundler 1.0.0.rc.1
10c2789 Update to Haml 3.0.14
55385cc Add 'presence' validations to repo model
78aa286 More specs for repo model
7faf878 Add association spec for repo model
c25697e Repo model attribute accessibility
aecc320 Add notes about repo model
b87cac5 Update to Haml 3.0.15
083b7a5 Add wopen3 to Gemfile, for use by Git module
0e54df8 Remove comment from Gemfile
8ea187e Start Git:Repo class
aa7a566 Use mkdtemp to make empty non-repo directory in Git specs
82578ad Add GitSpecHelpers to Git specs
f04de33 Update to mkdtemp 1.2
97c8a63 Add script/start convenience script
b35d1b0 Add valid repo test to Git::Repo specs
0b99e11 Make Git::Repo#git method available to collaborators
c12c584 Add clone_url and rw_clone_url attributes to Repo model
096e4d6 Squash two new deprecation warnings that appeared in Rails 3.0.0.rc
cfb1fc9 Merge in changes from fresh 3.0.0.rc application
b2f119d Add missing parts of commit c12c584
25de046 Add specs and implementation for #path and #git_dir methods
b5e994d Update to Wopen3 version 0.3
6a3ec33 Initial version of #refs method, with support code
27cf7f1 Teach Git spec helpers to accept blocks
f7237b2 Add basic Ref, Branch and Tag classes
f868a77 Add Branch and Tag specs
b6b4658 Add Repo#head method and Ref::head method
4d794c7 Add Git::Commit object
b5f001e More work on Commit#log method
bf4a554 Refactor commit log parsing
885d6c0 Git::Ident: parse times into local time
58a1961 Specs and bug fixes for Git::Commit
8306fa3 Add basic Git::Repo#commit method
ac0ae75 Initial pieces of diff-parsing implementation
c25f6e2 Move commit-related exceptions inside Git::Commit namespace
ac0d726 Initial cut at diff parsing
3dcf4aa Fix various bugs in the diff implementation
d80da96 Add specs for Git::Commit.commit_with_hash
ace39ae Add specs for ref and repo attributes
1be328c Handle edge case of length-1 images in diff method
a92190a Flesh out specs for diff
eb771c0 Line model needs to know both pre and postimage line number
1b7bf47 Bundle update with Bundler 1.0.0.rc.5
1382846 Minor update to 'about' page
f261ac1 Add repos#new
f70a999 Remove workaround for Rails bug #4879 (now fixed)
4347507 Add repos#create
133a972 Add repo#to_param
4ffc0cc Make Repo product_id accessible
d52bc25 Add uniqueness validations to Repo model
435307a Add database-level constraints for uniqueness in repo model
269e633 Repo model: validate 'path' attribute refers to a valid Git repo
d93d5d9 Add repos#show (controller only for now, view to come)
a737960 Drop unnecessary parens
0e50bb5 Bundle update (Haml 3.0.17, Capybara 8d34194)
62defca Bundle update (haml 3.0.17, rack-mount 0.6.10, celerity-0.8.0.beta.4)
2563246 Update links to new Walrus product pages
653fd53 Add navbar links for Walrat
227834b Update to RR 1.0.0
cc5f6a7 Update to Rails 3.0.0.rc2
5c6a6e9 Fix breakage caused by use of @controller under Rails 3.0.0.rc2
c099427 Remove duplicate specs newly failing in Rails 3.0.0.rc2
5d4f184 Switch to mysql2 driver (includes "bundle update")
0dd4944 Update specs for minor behavioral differences in mysql2 gem
4a94e96 Fix timeinfo_for_forum method compatibility with mysql2 adapter
cd8d76e Add a TODO comment
bd36123 Add note about Rails bug #5440
0beb1c1 Whitespace fix
560a01c Be more liberal with timestamp comparisons in specs
509d34d "bundle update" to pull down RSpec 2.0.0.beta.20
d6fa827 "bundle update" to Rails 3.0.0 release
68c1ba7 Update to Haml 3.0.18 (fixes Rails 3.0.0 spec failures)
787024d Product description rendered as raw HTML in products#index
253bef9 Include products.js in products#index
ac35760 Add more CSS hacks for floats and clearing
d3d2c4b Use major heading style to separate product categories in products#index
34c4a5d Add styling for products#index
1dd235b Update assets submodule 3f7c20d..7b15cea)
3228ef8 script/deploy: check for version ~> 1.0.0 of bundler
e1d4b0c script/deploy: pass --deployment switch to Bundler
63a832c script/deploy: use 'bin/rspec spec' to run specs
7fce7cf script/deploy: explicitly specify "-f progress" for spec run
0315943 script/deploy: add missing "git submodule init"
92e9e3a Add Unicorn to bundle to avoid Rack clashes
65c79a8 script/deploy: pass --path to 'bundle install' for faster deploys
6d962d7 script/deploy: pass '--quiet' switch to 'bundle install'
0278c37 Add memcache gem to Gemfile
4467f3f Lock memcache at 1.2.12
5a22e30 Remove workaround for Rails bug #5208
10ae6d3 script/deploy: don't tag when in staging environment