Daring Fireball

Several months ago Gruber made his full site feed available to non-subscribers.

I may well be the only person that thinks this, but having tried it for a few months now I can say that I actually liked it the way things were before.

Gruber has this to say about who he’s writing for:

And so I have this version of me and I’m writing for him. He’s interested in the exact same things I’m interested in, he reads the other same websites I read, and my thought is I’m writing for him and I want him to like this website so much that he reads it from the top to the bottom, and he reads everything I write. He reads every word of it, and he goes through the menu, and every single word, I mean literally: the copyright statement, what software I use to use this, he’s read it all.

Well, back in the days when I as a non-subscriber only saw the headlines and a brief description pretty much everything that Gruber wrote was interesting enough to warrant reading it in full, and even the stuff that wasn’t was easily skimmed over.

But lately I find myself drowning in what is now for me irrelevant content. Rather than eagerly reading the latest articles I find myself more exasperated than anything else. It seems that I’m no longer John’s ideal reader, the one that’s interested in all the same things he is. He’s gone from a 95% hit rate down to about 5%.

It’s a shame. I still consider him to be a well-informed, skilled writer who makes powerful arguments (even if you sometimes don’t agree with them), but I’m almost at the point we’re I’m going to unsubscribe from the darn feed.